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I was asking for scenarios and they were all so good that I just started at the first and will be doing some more


"I'm sorry, do I know you?"


'I would liek to speak with Clarus'

'He's gone on that trip, remember?'


Someone run him through or something 

You are SO GOOD at smug expressions I can't help but hate

Every time you draw Ardyn my blood pressure rises a little




Clarus tried

He's locked away

until Ardyn can figure something out

its probably been building to this

so Noctis is devastated

but not surprised

"I think, it might be a good idea to get away for a while"

Code for: 'we need to find Princess Lunafreya, she'll know what to do'

Ardyn plays it off like it's alzheimers

"An excellent idea young Prompto"


what better way to get what he wants tho



so this seems like ardyn did to regis what he did to aldercapt in the game? manipulation wise. making a pre-existing weakness worse


thats exactly it

i was saying to drai

if he got his claws in Regis instead

The only difference being

that Regis is inherently a good man

So there's not a lot of darkness to exploit

But he can ruin him in other ways




Noct's expression is killing me D:

Anabel (latt)

Just the title killed me T.T but Regis face Aaaah!