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Pink suggested 'Bitten'



Virginia B

awwww prompto, speaking up when you need help isn't a bother, it's part of being a team ♡ gladio is so sweet in this ♡


So much awesome stuff in this but I really wanted to mention how much I love your use of silhouettes lately. It’s such a cool technique to see done well :)

Lana Rosenthal

I love seeing the softer side of Gladio <3

Haley Barnett

I love that Ignis is the one asking for the camera rather then Noctis. But yes, be loved by Gladio Prompto. You need it.

Kiera Vallone

Omg the last two panels are sooooo super cute, I can't handle it


Ahhhhh so sweet of Gladdy to rest with him and snuggle with the sick bab ♡


Awww thank you! Its ever since my friend did her pic of her line up of characters it is very useful to quickly get a scene down