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Based on this prompt 


drai was telling me about a kink meme prompt she read

about how prompto was targetted and killed for being a nif

and the boys were too late

and i cant cope with death

So imagine if like

they think its to do with Noct

And eventually it turns out it had nothing to do with his friendship

they didnt even know

they were stalking prom

because he's visibly a nif

and they'd figured no one was ever home


The blood on the cROWBAR

Poor prom

Like... man, he is just completely limp here

Not supporting his own weight at all


gladio please take that exact crowbar and beat the ever loving shit out of this dude


man even as wrecked as he looks, if they were using a crowbar u know he's way worse under whats left of his shirt


And god like. If this is what they did to him BEFORE they moved him, imagine what they must be planning for after the kidnapping

Fffffff all that blood

Poor prom

And the masive bruise on his jaw

This poor boy


prom is NOT having a Good Time


at least they got there

when they did

;A; shame they couldnt have been... earlier



Oh my god, the bandages

He WAS bleeding from the eye

Or near it at least

This poor BOY


Is he trying to smile?




probably fractured his socket


hes more bandage than boy at this point



he probably doesnt have the dexterity for contacts right now


both his wrists got bandages of some kind... does this mean the boys know about the barcode?


how could anyone look at him and think

he needs killing


i figure the doctors saw it

but that was as far as it wernt

'weird tattoo...'

'that scarring tho...: /'

Nocts drawing on it

with refs

He will get a chocobo on this thing

or so help him

poor prom would have to fully turn his head

to talk to gladio

his peripherals screwed


And Noct and Gladio are so freaking gentle here

I love the idea of them being there while he recovers with soft encouragement

Trying to cheer him up

These boys

Are very good boys ;;



and then when he's released

hes trying to figure out how to say hes too afraid to go back home

But they werent even thinking of it

he's going right back to Nocts to be looked after

can you imagine their shock whe they learn it had nothing to do with them

i figure they were ready to try him for treason

and then all their leads go back to this hate group

Cor comes to speak with him to see how they might have known

a bit blamey

And proms like 'ummm have you looked at me??'


'I dont go around announcing it but i cant exactly hide it




Oh wow I'm sad I missed the stream for this, this is amazing and heartbreaking!! So much whump, poor Prompto. He took such a beating and they didn't even kidnap him yet. I feel like you don't really get the sense of xenophobia and social unrest among the people in the game that you get in Kingsglaive. I mean if you can get scenes where they're treating "outsider" Glaives like Nyx like shit, I can only imagine what it's like for a commoner like Prompto and I think you did a great job of capturing that. And oh man, I love how supportive and positive Noctis and Gladio are trying to be. It's such a cute, heartbreaking scene. Normally it's Prom's job to be the upbeat one, but they seem to be taking it in stride.


Not seen; Ignis cooking a lifetime supply of green curry soup, probably :'D I love the last picture so much. Just look at Prom trying to give a little smile. Noctis is probably butchering that chocobo drawing but hey, he's trying and yes Prompto is keeping that cast forever once it comes off. Gladio is 100% going to be Prom's personal piggy-back giver once he's allowed to move without hurting too bad. It's just so tender <3