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"Noctis, your friend fell asleep on me'

'Let him sleep, I dont think he's been well'

'Do I look like a cushion?'

'Shh, keep your voice down'

Gladio's watching him thinking

this kid is definitely keeping a secret

i imagine Gladio being like

'He's going to torque that shoulder'

And leans to lift his arm and the second his hand closes on Promptos wrist

Prom shoots up

only gladios head is above his

gets him in the jaw

Gladio bites his tongue

Its like some horror film

Prom cowering into a corner of the couch

Gladio 'It's alright....wtfff' blood coating his teeth

Noct arrives

'What did you do?!'

Prom starts babbling

'Not you!'



Haley Barnett

"Not you!" has to be my favorite part of this. Because of corse Prompto is going to think this is his fault but its clearly Gladio's because Prom was asleep. Poor baby.


Aww poor prom would think it's his fault :(