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 avariaum - forgotten


Noct is used to the crazies that try to get to him when he's outside 

Ignis and Gladio haven't let one reach him yet


kaci this pic gave me an idea thats actually a Crime (click for salt's idea)



Oh yeah?

I was kind of torn between Prom being the only one who remembered the later events of the game

Or something having wiped him from THEIR memories

the dont remember him and he's like WTAF??

Like he gets shoved back by Gladio and yeah he hasnt seen them in a few weeks but stuff needed done after the dawn

I figure later they all start to have very strange dreams

Prom's slumming it somewhere

He'd checked in to hammerhead and was yet again met with no familiarity

So he set himself up where no one really knew him

because even in lestallum there would be people he knew

and people just treating him like hes nobody is worse than being nobody somewhere

the problem is when the boys realise

they cant exactly up and leave Insomnia

I kind of feel like they'd send Iris looking or Talcott

Made worse if they were together


So theres the knowledge that the 3 are still together but hes just been left to the wayside



Virginia B

prompto must feel like a ghost 💔 surely he could show them pictures of them together and they'd remember? unless he lost his camera too 💔


I always end up likespamming your posts because I've got email notifs so I see everything in my inbox first and then when I get on my laptop I see them again in my patreon feed-- I'm REALLY in love with this one, though. Both the art and the concept.