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Saltslimes suggested 'bile'

sometimes dialogue goes through my head as i draw

And this was like Noct being all

'Gladio, go check on him Gladio!'

'YOU go check on him'

'I can't, I'll get sick too'

'Some king, what would you do if one of your crown citizens handed you a baby and it threw up on you'

'Puke on it'


'Has he gotten thin, do you think?' asks Ignis

'ThinNER you mean' mutters gladio




Gosh I finally got power back so I apologize for the barrage of comments you're about to get from me (except I'm totally not bc you totally deserve it 8D) so fair warning ahead of time lol. But starting here, you really know how to hit us where it hurts man (both you and salt lmao) but boy do I love me a sick!prom. Poor thing looks like he was trying to hold out as long as possible too. I also LOVE the dialogue you added the first bit is so funny but the second bit just breaks my heart and makes me wonder how long Prompto was probably sick for. I am so Noct in this situation though. "You go check - if I go you're gonna have two people puking up a storm"