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 Draiad - "No"

 Asidian - drizzle


'I'm not going to tell you again'

'No. Not until you listen to me'

'So help me Prompto I will drag you into that room by your ear'

'I don't work for you Ignis. The only person who can boss me around is Noctis'

'You're being a child!'

'I am? All Im askign is for you to hear my side'

i kind of imagine Prompto just storming off and Ignis reaches to draw him

Only Gladio who has sneaked up on him grabs his arm

'This is bad enough already - I'll go talk to him'

Ignis and Prompto are totally at odds with eachother for a few days

Like real petty

Giving Noctis his bowl of food, and Gladio before sitting down with his own

Proms sitting on the counter

Proms like

*makes a cup noodle*

Noctis and Gladio are like OMG WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO??

Gladio's like 'Ive literally never seen anyone rile Iggy up like this'

He's watching with chinhands

i kind of imagine that they get caught in a situation where it all unravels and Ignis is like 'oh....bugger'

Nocts already given Ignis a talking to

Because proms snapped at him

Like, it was barely a snap

But Noct does not like Prom being mad at him at all




Gosh this is everything I love about Promnis in one picture. I always imagined that as adviser to the king, Gladio and Noctis don't really question Ignis that much when he says to do something, but Prompto is different (and really he's just asking Ignis to hear him out). Also I love Prom all soaking wet (poor bab is gonna get a cold like that ;A;) and just how furious you can see Ignis is even though we can't see his entire face. That profile and posture is just so on point. I also love the pettiness you guys are saying ensued. It must drive Gladio and Noctis up the freaking WALL. Prompto doing small stuff like switching sleeping spots with Noctis or Ignis using up the rest of the hot water at the motel before Prompto gets to shower. Everything about this is just so good <3 I love it!


What did they fight about?