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'you guys are making way too big a deal of this...'

'Prompto Im pretty sure all of Leide heard your head hopping off the window'

i havent decided if Ig or Noct was driving (Iggy)

because if it was Iggy, Noct was in the seat the second he vacated

i figure they all had their belts on

but Prom was looking for something and had his stretched to reach

Iggy waves over the professionals

on goes a neck brace and Prompto is mortified

All this attention on him for being a dumbass

no one else got hurt

A few scans and xrays later and he's being released

Will probably have a headache for a day or two but no lasting damage

Ignis has like a 6 course meal waiting

all Proms favourite things

It clicks with Prompto later in the evening when Ignis absently fluffs a pillow

*hand shoots out to grab Ignis' wrist*

'Iggy, this wasn't your fault'

'I was halfway out of my seat, no one else was hurt so...umm...process of elimination'

'Hush Prompto, you have a concussion'

'A concussion doesnt affect your mouth Iggy'

After Prom continues to belittle himself to take the blame from Ignis

he's hushed again

'How about, we agree that neither of us is at fault?'

'Okay...can I have more soup?'


'You make the best soup Iggy'

'It could have used a bit mo-' 'Ah ah!'

'Let me just heat it up for you'

'Is the regalia ok?'

'Your head isn't that hard blondie'

'No I mea-Gladio!'



Haley Barnett

I love how Gladio is holding Prompto's head/neck. Ignis probably told him to do so just in case, but its so sweet at the same time.


I figure these kids have all been trained in first aid so if Iggy died at least Gladio could keep Noct alive 8D If youre not sure of a spinal injury - assume there is.


Everyone is so calm and even tho Prom is trying to reassure them, he kinda looks the most worried. Not about himself, but like he just feels so bad that he caused them so much worry. Poor kid.


Yessss exactly - he's far more worried about the scene he's causing and all the trouble theyre going to for him.