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No fall of insomnia or road trip.  Noctis’ role gives him no time for Prompto anymore and he isn't allowed go for crownsguard. They lose touch and Noctis eventually settles into a routine. When he reaches out to prom who he misses desperately it's to find out he’s not there anymore. They can't pinpoint the moment when he left which is embarrassing and shameful to them. Noctis’ is allowed on his road trip to travel greeting the people and also a last break before he must find a partner and settle down. Guess who he finds on the way?


During the 10 years Prompto's texts get through to Noctis. They spend the time messaging eachother - nothing more than basic texting. Occasional breaks where Prom's been hurt demon hunting or lost power to his phone. For some reason it's kept from the others. OR maybe it wont work anymore if he tells anyone. Gradually they fall in love over that time. Maybe Noct sends Prompto on missions to find out about stuff that could help him defeat Ardyn. Bahamut's all 'what are you doing??' Ardyn sees Prompto heading into tombs 'Whats he up to?'


Nocts text messages get leaked when his phone is hacked and everyone assumes he has a secret gf but its just him and prom being oblivious. 

'Can't wait to get to your tomo! U, me and AC! xo' 'Haha yasss :* nini' 

'You're the worst' 'I think you mean, the best and you owe me SO BIG' 'whatever, thanks D:< xo' 

The hugs and kisses started as a joke and they just add them in without thinking now.


Prompto posts selfies of him and Cor, Clarus, and other well known people in Insomniagram and unknowingly makes himself a target


Prompto shoplifts because he has no food or money and gets caught. Ignis gets a notification of his arrest


I'd like to do some of those multi panel drawings. Any preferences?



hngh I'm weak for 5. But then there's 4.


Is...Is all of them an option? But I really like Four :D (and Five. And One, and--All of them)