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Posted this pic the other day and am only just getting around to posting the full story




I kind of imagined Iggy a. reaching around with his other hand and making as if to jerk off the baton

Prom watching his hand slide up and down



making Prom fellate it

Give a good show Prom

Or 8DD


Get it good and slick


I mean like

all of them



d. all of the above


just like

in order

the whole thing


Kicking his legs apart

patting him down

then dropping down and those hands on the inside of his thigh

Prompto grunts when they nudge a little high


Maybe Proms a little bit of a street urchin

Iggy's been encountering him since he first went on the streets

shop lifting

But hes always cheeky and upbeat

But yeah Maybe theres a night when Ignis is going home

he's passing by the Library and he sees prom lying on the wall outside because theres an overhang

and he's swinging his leg

humming away to himself

and he checks his watch

Its gone midnight

So he goes over 'Argentum, go home.'

'Oh hey Iggy'


'O..Oh hey Officer Scientia 8D'

And he sees what looks like a bit of bruising but its only coming up around Proms eye

'Yeaaah about that, I will later - gotta wait for moms bf to go home'

Ignis is like

Im gonna regret this so hard but...'

He cant in good conscience leave a teenager - 19 is still a teenager! out alone at night

So maybe first he's like 'Lets go to the diner and we'll drop by your house after'

He knows where it is from dragging Prom there so often

So they pass an hour

Prompto is like

'This is kind of liek a date I-Officer Scientia'

'Its really not'

'Were you worried about me 8DD'

Ignis has his patience tried for an hour

When they get to the house the lights are on and Prompto knocks

And Ignis is like - wheres your key kid?'

'Oh mom gave it to jacka....to her boyfriend'

The door bangs open and the guy starts shouting at Prom

Ignis steps up

hes still in Uniform

'Whats the little shit done now?'

'Absolutely nothing, he was just dropping by to get a change of clothes, I assume thats not a problem sir'

The guy lets Prompto squeeze by him

Proms mother winces apologetically at him from the sittingroom doorway

And the guy sneers at Ignis

Implies that Prom is using what he has to stay out of trouble

Ignis gives him a scathing glare

'I didn't get your name'


'Oh me, Im a man of no consequence'

'Yes, we'll see about that - lets hope I cant persuade Prompto to open up about that black eye while he's in my care'

'We might be looking at some consequences after that'

'Okay I got my stuff Iggy!'

Gives ardyn the hairy eyeball as he slips by him

'Be sure to give half your earnings to your mother when you get home - you're not *that* cheap'

Prompto just holds up his hand flipping him off as he walks away


So 8DD

It becoems their thing

when Prompto cant stay home

He goes to Ignis'

Ignis is like 'This is highly unprofessional of me, but I would rather you not be in the house while that man is there'

Ignis cooking him brekkie

Proms out of highschool but he could never afford college

So Ignis also starts to get him thinking about college

Pulls a few favours to get him a job

Tells him once his first cheque comes in, he can pay a portion of the rent

And start moving his things in

He kinda already was

but thats beside the point

now it's official

Prom meets Iggys SUPER rich friend Noctis

And his friend Gladio

Prom isnt sure but he could be sleeping with either or both of them

and he's a little jealous

But yes

I kind of figure he's living with Iggy for maybe a year or 2

Just getting off his college applications

Hes going to study photography

He gets his acceptance and goes and throws his arms around Ignis

and Ignis kisses him

'I'm very proud of you'

'Oh man forget college - do that again!!!'

And like

In that time maybe we get some Ep Prom stuff

Proms father making a reappearance

He knows ardyn

Prom thought Ardyn was some no name corner dealer

but he was VERY wrong

Ignis' station orders a bust

and they find Prom off his face on some experimental shit Verstael was cooking up

Ignis spends the night sitting beside Proms hosptal bedside

Noct and Gladdy drop in and out

Verstael is found OD'd in one of the rooms onsite

The angle of the needle is all wrong

so it probably wasnt accidental

Ardyn goes underground

Gets the hell out of dodge XD

Noct covers Proms care

And yes

after the college acceptance

a while later he finally sleeps with Ignis

Prompto would whisper all the things he wants Ignis to do to him when hes fucking him

Telling him of all the things he's thought of Ignis doing ot him

while in the uniform

the cuffs

the baton

the tie

Ignis is like '....fuck.'

And Prompto would just say shit

Like Gladio's there having breakfast with them

'Iggy do you know karate?'

'No, why?'

'But like, what if a crook attacks you??'

'I know how to fight'

'Oh man so you could literally force me down and fuck me??'

Gladio chokes

Prompto idly thumps his back

but hes waiting for an answer

'Well...ahem...I *could*'

'DAMN Iggy' Gladio groans

He'd just air his thoughts when he has them

By that point Prom knows Ignis is poly

Gladio is like 'You're a piece of work Prom'

'A work of art'


Gladio roars laughing

'You can LOOK if you want'




SLAMS MY HANDS ON THE TABLE, THIS AU IS SO GOOD?? I AM SCREAMING!!!!! Thank you for this gift. I love every single detail about this story!!


This is the best au storyline ever. Iggy taking in poor prompto. And Prom just organizes an orgy with him being in the middle of the sandwich 😀


If Prom has learned anything from the life he was living in this story it's that he will get nothing unless he physically goes and gets it himself 8D


haha thanks Amanda! I definitely want to draw a few more scenes from this and elaborate on the story a bit!