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Robyn suggested distract but I was torn between

The boys distracting eachother from their missing King during WoR or Prom going to a royal fancy dress in a really inappropriate costume and utterly distracting Noct.




I have to say my favorite thing about your NSFW works (other than they are very, very hot) is your poses. they're always something I've never seen before; some interesting new configuration of bodies I've never even imagined! no boring missionary position here. and you always manage to draw so many bodies legibly, without turning it into a big messy pile of lines. that's really difficult, so big kudos!


Ohhh nice! You can def tell proms enjoying it from his back arching like that xD Love it


I draw so much tbh that I kind of have gone through the boring poses, so now its like 'how can i make this interesting?' Its so good to hear that people find them interesting!