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avariaum suggested 'survival'

'Prompto what happened!?' Ignis asks when he takes a close look

Prompt regales him with stories from during the time they were pretty much catatonic

'So then i was like 'HEY YOU-' and I was like!!'

'why didnt you use a potion?'

'Oh you guys might've needed it'

'Prom what this?'

'Oh yeah sorry, I didnt wash up, i'll do everything after breakfast'

'No thats not - why are there only 3 bowls?'

'Because theres- oh!' he laughs 'I totally forgot to eat hahaha'

nudges Ignis

'Probably tasted like crap anyway 8D Sucks to be the guys who had to eat it'

Prompto sleeps outside because he cant risk catching it


i wonder if prom didn't end up sick with the rest of them because of some MT immunity?


whoa now theres a theory



my mean brain

figured he got it after

like way worse

because his immune system was so depleted

from running himself ragged


I'm the worst



Ellay Gee

Lovely, as always :)

Nicole Rothstein

the look on Pom's face when his gun materializes is the same look I give my dishes after I come home from work. xD