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So that picture

I like to just draw things with no context sometmes and leave people suffer

jk jk

There was little bits of dialogue going through my head when I drew this

First off, yes, Noctis did hit him

One of the pieces of dialogue that played was Prom saying to Gladio in a small voice

'Shouldn't you be going after him?'

And Gladio gruffly saying 'Nah, he'll be back in here before long'

I kind of feel like its a culmination of things

Like Noct offering to help and Prom repeatedly keeping his struggles from him

I keep coming back to him being ill


The weight loss is more than running

but it's easy to be like 'im exercising this is where its coming from'

But he's tired all the time

Maybe its in line with the pic of the nosebleed

Noct just keeps finding out thing after thing that Proms hiding

And he keeps leaving openings for Prom to tell him

Some are really obvious

But Prom just avoids and dances around them

so Noct is getting PISSED

Because it probably feels like a trust thing

But like that he also doesnt get the severity of it

Neither does Prompto to be honest until the hospital calls about the results and he has to miss a day of school

And maybe he's getting treatment

But despite repeated efforts Ignis wont cave about looking into Promptos records - 'that's a gross invasion of privacy Noctis, I promise you he will not take kindly to it and I will not be party to that'

Prompto faints on an escalator on his way to get the train to school which leads to a nasty messy tumble

Ignis had taken some measures himself, where he had spoken to Prompto's parents after the previous hospital incident and had assured them that if they were ever unable to make it in the event of an emergency they could call him

So his mother takes him up on it when theyre too far away

"Listen, Mr. Scientia, there's something I must tell you first..."

because the least she can do is save Prompto the embarrassment of them thinking he's some dumbass who couldnt do stairs

Their insurance isn't covering the specialists they need so its been a very basic sort of care that he's been receiving until they can work up a way to pay for a specialist

So instead of curing it they're just keeping it on hold until they can

Ignis would immediately offer assistance which is met with embarrassment, because seriously a 19 yr old kid being able to just drop the money to fix what 2 fully grown working adults cant is kind of humiliating

So Prompto is trying to save his parents the embarrassment too. He probably hesitantly suggested mentioning it to Noctis but they were like 'Sweetie no, we'll fix this but...*WE'LL* fix this'

Noctis is used to people automatically doing what he tells or asks of them so the fact that prompto KEEPS hiding things is monumentally frustrating

And it leads to an explosion in the hospital

Prompto immediately starts with pretending it's nothing and Noct is enraged

They know he's basically fine, broke his finger and sprained his wrist in the fall

Has some bad cuts and scrapes

She he's not gonna kill him by punching him

It was probably pretty restrained too, considering the strenght that Noct possesses

Noct would look surprised for a moment before the rage is back and he's grabbing Ignis' arm and he's getting something to eat because looking at Proms dumb, pale...hurt face is pissing him off


Imagine Prom getting another of those nosebleeds

Like Gladio's just standing there poking around on his phone and Proms just lost in thought, going over all the ways that he can try and fix this with Noctis

Idly scratching at his itchy chin

Gladio looks up to say 'you need to start telling him shit, but he'll get over it'

Maybe he was pulled from his phone by the little thups of the blood dripping onto the sheets

'Shit, SHIT'

'Wha- oh nod agaid...'

Gladio sticking his head out the door to cal a nurse even tho Promptos trying to stop him. Ignis and Noct's heads perk up from where theyre talking lowly a little down the hall and they both walk over

Proms face, hands and bed sheets covered in red

Nocts immediate thought would be that he caused it, which douses his anger and they all hover awkwardly as 2 nurses come in and whip through the room like a hurricane. Sheets are changed, face is washed and he's stripped of his gown before another is quickly slipped on.

Nothing but the box of tissues, the basin on his lap and the pink tips to his hair to give away what had happened.

Noct probably angry cries at him later

They organise a specialist to see him within a day or two

and get him on the road to recovery 8D

But there's more than his health that needs fixing




Oh, man. The descrip update. Right in the kokoro. :'( So good, and so painful at the same time, but with hope. So good. Thank you. <3

Ellay Gee

Oooh, I'm catching up. I think this is effing amazing. There's soooo much here. You're just so darn great at twisting up my stomach and making me happy to be sad.


Awww Ellay you're so sweet!! Thank you so much...always happy to make you...sad...D: