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Prompto has a persistent nosebleed that will not stop as well as a pounding headache, which is more migraine than headache but he always talks it down.

can you imagine him taking the bus to the ER - the taxi is too expensive. Ambulance is WAY too expensive.


omg all the stares


Omg, the stares would be awful


you'd be stressing over the nose bleed

AND the attention

and you know most people would assume hooligan who got a punch to the face

not that he woke up that way


It's already spread so far, all down onto his shirt

Sweetheart D8

I see people have given him space on either side, even though he has a seat in the ER, h-haha

The true sign of people being skeeved out

Poor Prom. this would be a terrible situation to be in 


I love the worried eyebrows here, and how he's just kind of staring off into middle space


He's all woozy with the headache

And then the horror when the nurse tells him theyre going to have to admit him for observation

i imagine there would be an awkward phonecall to his parents and phewwww there's health insurance

His moms like 'call me later sweetie, keep me in the loop'

'k mom'

imagine him being like 'hey noct can you go get the spare key under the pot and put out some food for snaggletooth'

the stray hes taken to feeding


'because im asking?'



Laura Nievas

The "because I'm asking" at the end is great, nonchalant boy just wants to make sure his stray fed when he's bleeding like crazy.

Virginia B

you captured the atmosphere of a waiting room so perfectly in this omg. the angle in that first pic is so cool, he looks so alone even though he's in a room full of people


Awww thank you!! Yes, i kind of wanted a real clinical view of the situation before the human aspect