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Indridason suggested the word!




Oh noes! Why is Prompto holdimg his torso like that? Who are they running from????


prom holding his belly <3 <3 <3 i hope he (((isn't))) alright

Nicole Rothstein

i....need to know more xD this is so good~!


Loving protective gladio. But why is prom holding his belly 😢


I actually had a note that I forgot to put under this. That they were being pursued and when the guys split up they continued after Gladdy and Prom so theyre definitely after Prom. I kind of imagine the stomach pains were either an attempt to subdue him - or his anxiety flaring up at the worst possible moment


I actually had a note that I forgot to put under this. That they were being pursued and when the guys split up they continued after Gladdy and Prom so theyre definitely after Prom. I kind of imagine the stomach pains were either an attempt to subdue him - or his anxiety flaring up at the worst possible moment