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What should we do with Stacy's Quest Rebooted?

  • Cancel Stacy's Quest Rebooted - releasing an outline of what you had in mind 21
  • Use "executive actions" to slowly progress the plot 16
  • Let the $10+ pledgers eventually vote on it 8
  • 2017-02-03
  • 45 votes
{'title': "What should we do with Stacy's Quest Rebooted?", 'choices': [{'text': "Cancel Stacy's Quest Rebooted - releasing an outline of what you had in mind", 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Use "executive actions" to slowly progress the plot', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Let the $10+ pledgers eventually vote on it', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 3, 4, 9, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 45}


Hey everyone,

So, one of my series Stacy's Quest Rebooted has had a heck of a time progressing.  Truth is, it receives very few votes in from the $10+ pledgers (not trying to guilt anyone or the sorts, just being transparent) 

I'm also fully aware from the opinion poll I held last year that it's one of the least popular series.

Problem is: I have like ~8 chapters in mind for it, possibly more.  (Stacy is supposed to travel around and collect a large number of different pieces of the suit before having a final showdown with the aliens)

But at the current rate, Stacy's Quest won't be finished until at least 2020, if not later!

This leaves me with a few possibilities in mind:

1.)  Scrap Stacy's Quest Rebooted altogether,  I'd probably release an outline of my ideas for the future chapters and slowly release it to the public.


+ Knocks down another series so we can start a new one that people actually want (like Superior Sister or God-Mom)

+ Doesn't cause anyone who dislikes Stacy's Quest to get charged for it (also probably means slightly higher profit for me tbh)


- Those who actually enjoyed Stacy's Quest won't see it finished

2.) Use my monthly "Executive Action" to make Stacy's Quest the first story of the month every now and then


+ Story will eventually be finished


- People who dislike Stacy's Quest have to sit through it 

3.) Let the $10+ Patrons vote on it and perhaps it will sometimes win a slot


+ Story (theoretically) will eventually be finished

+ Power is kept in the $10+ patrons' hands  (these guys are super important to me sustainably doing this!)


-  People who dislike Stacy's Quest have to sit through it  

- If voters never come around to it, could just remain on infinite hiatus

So, what do you think we should do?

Cast your vote below, and feel free to chime in in the comments!

Thanks for your support,

- Magnus


Alan Munro

I like this story, and it is certainly very different to your other work. I'd say keep making new chapters ever so often, if people don't like it than they can just not subscribe to it.


Considering the cancel option and the sum of the two "don't cancel" options are tied, maybe belay the cancellation for a bit?