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Hey everyone,

DATP Conclusion is officially content complete.  In Scriviner where I edited it (NOT twine, so not including variables and stuff) it clocks in at over 18,000 words - though some of those are things like a recap, dialogue choices, and achievement descriptions.  Then again, there are lots of dialogue choices that I didn't put into Scriviner.

Currently I am beta testing it, and adding more dialogue choices.  Basically, there is a 'loyalty' system where some choices increase or decrease loyalty to either Helen or Giselle.  These effect the ending you get, and certain dialogues.  Currently it's kind of hard to get specific endings (example: there's one that requires high loyalty to both girls), so I'm adding more dialogue responses that will increase/decrease loyalty.

Other than that, there's just editing and implementing a couple remaining achievements  (such as maxing out Giselle's size, maxing out a girl's loyalty, etc.)

The game currently has:

1 demonstrably bad early ending

7 main 'real' endings

small permutations on some of those main endings

17 achievements

Once I have implemented these new dialogues and achievements, I'll send out a "Beta" to everyone who processed a pledge for it.  This "Beta" will be effectively finished, but it's possible a bug or two might exist.  Additionally, if anyone has some big feedback (like if they feel the game is missing a specific type of content they wanted) I might add it in before the "final" release  (which you will all receive as well)

Additionally, in the coming days I will likely create a story map and walkthrough.  I'm considering a linear version of the story, but that might be a surprisingly large time investment (since I'd have to settle on one "canon" path, and flesh it out to a full-length release)

Sorry for everything taking so long.  I've been silent because frankly I've been ashamed and didn't want to return until I had something to show for it.

Hope you'll find the finished product enjoyable and a great value!  (Especially at the $4 buy in!)

Thanks for your support,

- Magnus



I've just sent out the game to everyone who processed a $4+ pledge on it. If you processed a pledge and didn't receive a message, please contact me ASAP!


Never be ashamed because you're working on something that takes longer than you expected, or even because you have to take a few steps back from your general work. A little "Hey, I'm still around" makes it for me, and I suppose for some other people too. 😊


When did the pledge for this process? I pledged quite a long time ago, but I'm not sure if I got it in?