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Hello everyone,

I wanted to make a quick update in the aim of full transparency - will be pausing this Patreon on the evening of August 31st.

What this will do is basically prevent any charges from occurring in September, but still maintains all of the current membership cycles. It also prevents anyone from joining during this period, so if you want to receive Rory's Breakthrough 3, please ensure you have pledged here before the pause on August 31st.

This also means there won't be a September story, since there will be no charges/pledges made for September.

You won't have to do anything or cancel in order to prevent any additional charges. This will simply give some time to work on the Rory project without people paying for a month with no story.

For full details from Patreon themselves: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/214013323-How-to-pause-billing-for-your-members

Once again - everyone who has signed up doesn't have to do anything. I will send out Google Drive links to those who processed pledges when each story/bonus media is finished. Each release will also be announced here first with a post - so no need to wonder if it's been released yet and you somehow didn't receive a link.

Apologies for any disappointments caused by the delays and lack of new story in September - hope you enjoy everything to come!



Thanks for the update