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Hello everyone,

The Google Drive folders for Tara vs Thora Day 2 have been updated. The story was expanded on significantly with over 1500 words added to it - most of which were in the gym scene towards the end.

The AI narration and extra filetypes have been completed and added to their folders. AI Art is still underway. Have generated quite a lot of it, and mostly in the process of trying to get stuff closer to perfect (or with as few flaws as possible), then picking out what I consider to be the best ones.

If you processed a pledge for Tara vs Thora Day 2 (May's story) and are unable to access this content, please contact me directly.


Moving forward, starting with Rory's Breakthrough (June's story), the bonus media tier will no longer have AI Narration.

The AI Narration is actually the most time consuming process aside from writing the actual story (though in some cases it can take more time than the writing itself...) Basically, the AI narration wasn't as simple as plugging the whole story into the narration program, as virtually every line needed to be individually checked. And in certain cases some lines have had to be redone up to a dozen or more times before it sounded decent.

In addition to these factors, comparatively very few people have access to the narrations (only a small percent of people purchasing on Gumroad elected to add AI Narration, much higher percent added AI art), and in some cases depending on how you measure the narration's earnings, they barely cover the cost for the service to create them.

If and when there are promising advances in the technology, I'll likely return to trying AI Narrations for the long form stories. In the meantime, still planning on doing AI narrations for Gumroad releases that are intended to be read as scripts, and for commissioned stories that end up on YouTube.

If you processed a $8+ pledge in June and the lack of AI Narration for Rory's Breakthrough is a dealbreaker for you, contact me directly and we'll figure out a refund situation for June's pledge.

Apologies for any disappointment, and for the delays regarding TVT Day 2.

Thanks again for your continued patience and support. Hope you enjoy everything to come,

 - Magnus


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