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■Recent changes
I used to like whiskey enough to drink it every day, but I've been having some, well, health problems and
I've switched to alcohol-free because it has been lingering in my system more and more often the next day.
I've been surprised at how good the latest alcohol-free tastes like normal.
I ordered about 4 cases from Amazon, so I will see if I can tolerate it after about 2 months of sobriety.
And now for my main point...this time I'm completely talking from the producer's point of view. This is just a story about what I realized! So please take it as a "huh"...
Lately, my progress in making work has been slowing down, and I was so sick that I wandered around late at night every day, not knowing the reason.
To put it simply, it is because of my perfectionism.
I used to think that all I had to do was my best, but in the past six months I have input a large number of erotic works and my perspective on eroticism has broadened,
However, in the past six months, I have been able to broaden my perspective on eroticism through the input of a large number of erotic works, and I have also become able to correct rough edges in my drawings as my technical skills have improved, which has led to an obsessive need to maximize the perfection of each piece, which has become a mental burden.
Recently, I have been declaring on the support site that I would do it by when! I've been declaring that I'm going to do it by when at the support site.
As a result of the poor progress, I had a strong desire that if I set a deadline, my future self would do something about it (which was impossible).
I learned from chatGTP-kun that there is something called Pareto's law.
It means that a small portion (20%) of the total effort or resources produces the majority (80%) of the total results or outcomes.
Conversely, the remaining 80% of effort and resources produce only 20% of the overall results.
If, in eroticism, the act in progress and the finish are 80% of the importance of the work, then the process and introduction play only 20% of the role.
(Of course, the percentages vary with style and genre.)
So, it is obvious that the important places should be thoroughly worked on, and the places that are not so important do not need to get 100 points. For example, no one is interested in an old man's beautiful buttocks, right? . right?
You don't need to get 100 points for every picture, on the contrary, 50 points is perfectly fine, and instead you should go for 150 points in the important areas! And that's it...
This perspective led me to the conclusion that the penis is more important than the broken hand, the nipple is more important, the facial expression is more important, the extraction point is more important, and the concept is more important.
Thanks to this sorting out in my brain, I can now work much more calmly without the obsessive thoughts I had before.
If I no longer have this problem, I'm sure I'll have new problems like where to focus my efforts and how to spend my time... but I'll deal with that at that time...
In summary, we should extract the important parts of ERO and be conscious of devoting resources to them! That was what I was talking about.
I hope to keep the current quality and spread eros with the same lightness of footwork as in the early days of posting.
That's how I'm working on it at a furious pace.
I'd like to do a lot of different kinds of eroticism....
Goals for next month (December)
I will find the right balance between where to cut corners and where to put in the effort.
I want to be able to get the balance right and create a work with editing gory details! Like manga!
That's all for now! Thank you for reading!


