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Hey everyone!

Like I wrote in my last post I had to change some details about the tiers and the rewards since I couldn't cope with all the reward-pictures any more.

The main change happened in the tiers 3 (25$) and 4 (50$).
Essentially from now on you'll get a commissioned picture when you pledge 50$ (instead of 25$ like before) or if you pledged 25$ for 2 months.
I'm sorry that I had to do this, but since I anyway work at least 1 hour on each pic I had to make the commissions a bit more expensive. I hope you can understand.

So please check your pledges again and maybe you'll want to switch. I can understand this.

But again: Anyone who earned a commission until April 2019 will get their reward by the old conditions no matter what the tiers are now. The new tiers are for May 2019 and following.


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