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New Official Tiers are finally up for those who wish to upgrade. Reminder, there is a limited time 15% Off for yearly subscriptions. The old tiers are still up for 1 more day for those of you who might want to remain at that level or may need one more day to re-subscribe, since it's the 1st and also a Friday, I figured some of you may need the time. 

But to clarify, the old Gold Star Tier at $3 and the old Blue Star Tier at $5 will be gone on the evening of March 1st, therefore no one will be able to subscribe at that level anymore. The New Gold Star Tier at $6 is up and will have access to every old post and new, plus the new perks we mentioned previously if you want to upgrade. If not, then you retain your old pricing of $3 or $5 as long as you remain subscribed. I'm reiterating this just in case because I know not everyone reads the posts or may be a bit confused. 

The New Tiers as they stand now are:

Gold Star Tier at $6 (official with full access)

Red Star Tier at $10

Green Star Tier at $15

The new tiers already have access to old posts, but if you upgrade and see that a post isn't available on the new tiers, send me a message or put it down in the chat. I had to manually go back to every single post since 2021 and update them for the new tiers, so I might have missed one or two. 

Also, apologies for all the posts this week. I'm trying to get everything properly situated with the new perks and making sure we're ready to go for this new era!

Hope everyone is having an incredible week. I love you all so much! 



Thanks Javi! I will let you know if there are any problems on my end once the change goes into effect tomorrow.