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I swear to god, Charn is always spitting bars and quotes. His way of thinking can be very flawed but his observations of society and justice are spot on.


Every time Charn handles money he got by doing something a bit shady, he cleans his hands like that! Man, those smiles can convey everything! Grandma already peeped the game, she sees a new grandson in her future! I can't wait for Javi's discovery of "who" the politician and his son "are". I am so happy that even before we really knew what happened, we didn't see Tantai hurt anyone physically. I approve of that rage therapy. I do love how smart Tin is about human nature. And yes Javi, Jam (Tin) is a tad bit obsesses with Film (Charn), especially when tipsy! There has been a couple videos floating around out there.

bhaskar Ravi

Film is a very good actor.....and Jam is too hot..

Melanie Baum

Maybe I'm the only one but I feel so bad for Tanthai. 😢 It's clear as day that he is abused by his father and I really doubt he was the one who killed the niece. I feel like Thatthep is putting the blame on his son. Like Charn said, I think Tanthais troublemaking is a cry for help, otherwise why would he always say it would be better if he's dead.. It hurts my heart everytime I hear him saying this. How much does one have to suffer to say he wants to be dead. 🙁 Also, why would the bodyguard always look so sad when Tanthai gots beaten? This makes me suspicious of Thatthep and I really hate him. No matter how Tanthai behaves, that doesn't justify beating him and almost drowning him. And this time Tanthai didn't even do anything. Gosh, I really hope I'm right and Thatthep is the one who killed the niece.