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Not going to lie, I was a bit confused at the end of this episode .. who saved Phaya? Was it Tharn's past life sister, the Abbot, his (Phaya's) own past life 'energy', or did Tharn make an agreement with the dr to keep him alive in exchange for going with him? Why did Tharn need to find a way out when he obviously found a way in .. or did he zap in? Clearly Tharn was saying goodbye. I'm hoping the final episode will be a lengthy one so that there's no questions left unanswered. This series has been the whole package, a novel storyline, quality production and a terrific - and handsome - cast. And oh yea, Yai's arms (actor Gap Jakarin Puribhat) will be appearing in no less than four upcoming drama's, so there's that to look forward to!

Audrey Fortier

people always blame Tharn for all the bad things that happen to them, whether small or big, they always ask why Tharn doesn't trust Phaya and listen to everyone around him. How can Tharn trust and listen to the people around him when they always hide the truth from Tharn, be it Phaya, Abbot, Grandma, even captain Akk who knows about his father. If we really observe all the scenes in this series we can see that Tharn seems to suspect that Slowmotion is connected to all the bad things he has experienced several times, but Slowmotion always breaks Tharn's suspicions about him. I know they didn't tell Tharn the truth about everything to protect him, but at the same time they were wrong to do so. If they told Tharn, there was a possibility that Tharn would do impulsive things and even hurt himself, but there was also the possibility that he would fight side by side with Phaya for their love and life. One more thing, even though Tharn knows about Slowmotion, is that Slowmotion has no other way to separate them. Phaya always said to protect Tharn, but he couldn't even protect himself without the Wansarat soul amulet. I want Phaya to prove his words to protect Tharn with actions not just words. It was always Tharn who sacrificed himself to save and protect Phaya even from their first life until their fourth reincarnation. Tharan\Wansarat is the most hurt and sad here, he is a warm-hearted person and full of love, otherwise he would not have saved and healed Phaya\Garuda who was injured when they first met, but he was involved in a love triangle between Phaya and Slowmotion . I really want to see them fight for their love, they deserve to be together.