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Wanitta D Belleh

I agree, all Tharn knows is that he should keep Phaya & Doc from each other. Given his current state relying on his friend makes sense. Although he's been warned by the Abbot, it's all been vague. Ps. Akk is being a hypocrite, this is also personal for. Also I think Chart might be working with Akk.

Wanitta D Belleh

I think he sees when bad things are going to happen in this "relm" I think when ever the Doc attacks its not in their "relm" so Tharn doesn't see it. Also I don't think Doc SlowMotion is a reincarnation of his past self, I think this IS him(slight immortality perhaps) 🤔


What the doctor feels for Tharn is definitely not love... if it was, he wouldn't revel in Tharn's pain while pretending to comfort him. It is obsession! Ooooh! The inspector has a bone to pick! This is personal for him as well. Tharn's father was basically The inspector's god father! The tea.. spill it! I will be the lone person out there yelling: "Shut up Dao!" “I already gave Tharn to you. And you already promised to take care of him. I am not taking him back!” Yai! I keep shouting at the screen... put Phaya's necklace back on... and then here comes the doctor... No protection, I'm here to slay! I think since Phaya and Tharn are reincarnations, everything isn't clear for them right away, but I don't think the Doc is a reincarnation, he might be an immortal changing his human skin each time Phaya and Tharn are reborn. Didn't Wansarat's sister bring Phaya into the dreamscape? She should have kicked him out before she ran off!

Teress Tei

The scream I let out when Chart appeared lmao. You were once again right!


The Captain/Akk is the little boy in the flashback that was shown with Tharn's dad and the brother is the guy in the picture frame who died after being caught taking a bribe. I personally don't think that the Captain is a bad guy, he just has his own method to go about it and I'm not saying that's right, but I don't think he's doing it for bad reasons. Also, Chalothon is not a reincarnation, he is basically immortal in a way, it's weird and too much to explain lol.


25:46 well now i’m gonna be trying to guess forever lol