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on my way to bed and bum bum bum there is a notification of your reaction to cherry magic, so lets watch it and then go back to sleep and you know after they stopped series in yt i just watch this series with your reaction so let's go to watch ittttt


Karen went from happy to super sad this episode.


ughh Karan my love, I didn't expect the cinfession at the end omg! thta's good tho, now Achi is gonna have to acnowledge it since befire, he knew but wasn't doing anything about it cause obvi Karan hadn't told him yet, i'm excitedd


A other perfect ep 😌

Lane Wright

It sort of boggles my mind that Sing is actually 26 and yet manages to look about 16 on this show. At this point, the only other show I’ve ever seen him on is “He’s Coming to Me,” and somehow he looks younger than he did in that show almost 5 years ago. Anyway, once again, this episode was very sweet and funny, and I’m glad you are watching it like this, so I can get a chance to see it.

Cynthia Jehl

Your reaction to Karan's confession was iconic!! Poor Karan, was so happy and on cloud nine at the beginning before having his heart crushed... Also, erm, is it just me or possessive jealous Karan is hot? !! Like damn, Jinta nearly got punched... Jinta and Min are so adorable!!! Min and Rock, my heart that was so cute! The dancing and the reconciliation, they're adorable! Rock has fallen for Pai already, he's in love!!! Karan confessing blew my mind, I was so not expecting it, damn!

Tálay Sĕedam

I was skeptical about this show, but now I'm totally in love with it. We all need someone like Karan in our lives.


Love this episode! Series is sweet, wholesome and heartfelt. Cast is great! It's going to be a long week until we can see Achi's full reaction to Karan's sudden confession! I think we were all surprised and hit the 10 sec rewind to watch again, at least once! I did!.


Javi did you watch the japanese version?


I’m enjoying the differences from the Japanese version yet it still has the same charm. The confession came as a surprise but I know the Japanese version only covered the first 6 books and this covers 12, so there’s much more to see

Sarah K

This episode really shows us how lonely Karan is. Like in the beginning of the series we were supposed to believe that Achi is the lonely one because he never dated anyone, but every episode has just shown how many people love and care for Achi. Karan on the other hand doesn’t seem to be close to anyone. 😢