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Finally catching up on editing and recording. Expect reactions to trickle out throughout the weekend! 



Charlie Balbino

Hello Javi. Thanks for the reaction! I understand your frustrations regarding the previous case about the rapists murders but I just wanted to add my two cents regarding this: Thailand is not a democracy and people are regularly sent in jail for lengthy periods just for criticizing the monarchy. Therefore, a series expanding on such a sensitive subject such as political and systemic corruption has to tread very carefully or else they will face censorship or much worse. So the lack of a clear "message" is understandable as taking a side would probably bring unwanted scrutiny. I also feel like the producers did not necessarily want to take a side but just present the current situation of systemic corruption and how ordinary people and the police are affected by it. It's therefore left to the public to make their own opinions on the subject and "take a side" instead of the series telling you what to think or feel. Regarding the way they handled the interrogation of the 3 people, please note that at that time they were not being treated as sexual assault victims but as murder suspects. They had a motive to kill these people and I feel that the questions asked by the officers were pertinent or valid. But maybe having psychological support at the same time for these people would have been better in my opinion. As for Tharn, I wouldn't want to be in his place. He constantly has visions about the man he loves and so has to get near him to save him! And at the same time if he gets near him and let his feelings take over for him he's putting him in danger again! It's like a vicious cycle that is impossible to stop. So I think I will probably cut him some slack cause I wouldn't know what to do in such a situation...


I think that the 1st case is connected considering when Tharn touched the guy who r*ped that one guy's sister he saw a vision of when his parents died, so even if the in its entirety is not connected, I do believe the powerful, political dude is definitely connected to Tharn and his parent's case in some way, shape, or form.