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Renato Alves

Su Yu’s father it’s the cutest. Sometimes he messes up a little bit but its trying to get it right 😂

jada bum

only ep. 2 and im tearing up already 😭 i think you’ll really enjoy the rest of this show from your reaction so far. tysm for reacting to this


The episodes are longer yet they feel so short. Duo Duo is one of my favorite characters in this series. She is indeed smart and you'll see more of it later on.

Aaron S.

the whole chosen family aspect of the show is soooo heartwarming. i was super sceptical re: duo at the start but she quickly became one of my favorites! every character kinda has their reason for being there and being the way they are and i appreciate that, as well as the "slow" introduction. they're making good use of their time in my opinion.


Man! I love a good "chosen family" Let's go! That moment in the class when Su Yu flexed his science brain, Wu Bi fell in love!


I‘m so happy you‘re reacting to this show! It‘s so heartwarming! But it‘s already a struggle not to immediately rewatch the whole show for the third time and to instead patiently wait for your reactions to rewatch them together with you. :D


Thanks for the reaction... I can't wait to continue to watch this beautiful series with you again..

Dan T

This drama has been on my "to watch" list for a few months now. I was hesitant to start it knowing its from China mainland and they censor bl content. But, once I saw you were reacting I said, why not? I am on episode 5 and cannot get enough!! Regardless of what comes bl wise(meaning censored scenes) I do not care!! This story and cast are so endearing!