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Fairy Elly

Honestly, the scene in the kitchen with Day and his mom was so powerful. I think that Day reacted that way, because he doesn’t want to accept reality. If he goes to the school and requests for a break, it’s like him admitting that he is going blind and he doesn’t want to be, so he kept on refusing to go to the school. And the fact he was fidgeting so much, was because of the rising nervousness and realization of the seriousness of the situation. There are things that are too painful for us to do. It’s not that Day can’t go to School himself and request for a break, He doesn’t want to. We all have a limit to pain, so if the limit has reached its peak, we get stuck in our movements, or let’s just say we get stuck in our improvement. In Day’s case he has to adjust to the fact, that he will be blind for some time. So having to confront the situation is too fresh for him, so he slid down in self-pity. That’s why Day got up from the table without eating. He didn’t have the strength to.

Kasey Emig

Sheesh. I mean, I have been anticipating this series so much for so long but why tf is this my sixth times rewatching your reaction? These two have a chokehold on me as does your commentary