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David Avila

Yes Gawd episode 2


Yeass … you started kiseki..❤️❤️… but doesn’t it sound like kiseki(Korean cuss word) 😂😂… but I m happy you started .. you gonna love it ( most of the time ) I hope 🤞

David Avila

Last time I checked the age difference is Jherui is 25 and Zong Yi is 17

Melanie S.

We‘ve been blessed thank you Javi I‘ve been really looking forward to rewatching this with you❤️


Nah because all of my morals went out the window when i was watching this show. Illegal age gap… whats that? i cant see shit

Paige Reinhard

I loved this show so much. It honestly breaks multiple viewer rules for me -- I won't list them because spoilers -- but I didn't even care, the characters were so good. And Winny and Gun Attaphan's tall, tall child? How could I not adore?


We’re getting spoiled ❤️ I also always say “Is this what they’re into?” whenever tall boy and blondie are up to their shenanigans 😂


Yeah I won't lie, the age gaps of both couples is a little disturbing and I'm not finding this cute. The main couple, 17 and 25. The side couple, 17 and 20


As long as i dont do that in real life, its fine 😂 i know this is a work of fiction

Paige Reinhard

No, I definitely get this. Age gap? Blackout drunk kisses? Teacher crush? Normally, these are immediate icks for me. But somehow I absolutely don’t care with this one!


Its the same as reading a book about the main characters being super possessive about the other one and being like: damn hot…. But in reality youd be running away from that person 😂😂


Like I'm sorry but am I exaggerating?? Why is no one irked by the fact that he's a minor??


Yay! Javi, you are gonna love each couple for their own unique "thing"! I find both couples quite endearing. The first episode, the voices were FanJuRei's mom... and this one is BaiZongyi's!


Technically its legal, yes its kind if icky but what helps is the fact that theres no huge difference in terms of power dynamics. None of the older characters uses their age to intimidate the other one. Also it helps that zong yi is very mature emotionally for his age. And do keep in mind that the age of consent in different countries differ and that adulthood being when you are 18 is just a social construct. Theres some 25 years old that have the mental and emotional capacity of minors. To be honest if Jherui would have had a similar personality to like Payu in love in the air. Id have been so disgusted because of the power dynamics. But yes, i do think that theres some questionnable decisions that were made lmao. But i prefer this over all the non-consent we usually get in bl shows.


The fact that there’s a three-year age in the second couple. The younger boy is 17 but they have grown up together, and I don’t think that they have ever been separated. age-wise, accordingly. Three years is nothing.


In this case, the blonde boy was threatening the older one with something hot and spicy, because the older one doesn’t eat spicy foods, but never in any universe was there ever intention of hurting him, no. Like that would never happen in this universe or theirs.


It’s not illegal though. Not in Taiwan. 17 is the age of consent.


I love both couples. But the second couple I love them I think the most I absolutely adore the blonde point. I hope they get their own show.


You know I was thinking about the age thing every one is talking about. It bothers me when the two act different. I’m very bothered by. 10 year age gap in Absolute Zero. This 8? Year difference though doesn’t bother me


Actually the second couple is getting better and better... I am looking forward to the rest... thanks for the reaction...


And its also legal in canada technically. Everything is up to perception right now. This would be such an easy topic to discuss in philosophy class lmao


No, I am wholly uncomfortable with the age gap, and as an upper secondary teacher I'm made doubly so. It's the main reason I didn't vote this tbh.


Honestly it’s still irky to me. Cause they’re still minors, that are going to be in relationships with adults. So weird. And the 25 year old kissing him without consent and the fact that he is a minor, yeah that was very weird. Also people are going “is that what you’re into?” When referring to the side couple like one of them is literally a minor. I honestly don’t know why people are completely okay with this


That’s a crazy mindset to have. It’s justifiable to do bad things since “it’s a work of fiction”. So you’ll justify the kissing without consent cause it’s a work of fiction? As if these things don’t happen in real life. I thing that’s a very weak argument to have trying to justify this


Oh no the kissing without consent isnt what im talking about. Im just saying that i enjoyed this and that i also know its a work of fiction. Because in real life id be running away from that type of man. But its kinda like reading a mafia romance and enjoying it. I would never tell anyone to date someone in the mafia but will i love the book? Yes… its fiction 😂 And its not like the show is saying that doing these types of things is ok. Im not justifying bad things lmao, im just trying to explain how opinions can vary depending on your upbringing and values.


Nothing happens between the second lead couple until both of them are adults. But to be honest, you know what youre getting into when it comes to this show, i don’t understand the point of fighting and telling people it’s disgusting that they are enjoying this. Its not like these people are touching minors on the daily and justifying their actions with this show. Its just rude to go to peoples comments and invalidate what they are saying because you dont agree. And lets be honest, its a lot worse when the actors are actually minors…. (Love by chance perth is a minor when it was filmed) (ai long nhai, the actor playing nhai was a minor) i believe that, thats a lot worse. But thank you for voicing your opinion and i hope you have a nice day.


Makes me feel better about the second couple. I’m not fighting about this, I’m just trying to make you see the argument of “because it is fiction” does not really work. I’m not telling people that it’s disgusting that they’re enjoying it. I find it disturbing that a minor is involved (this is about the show not the people watching it). Yes of course it’s a lot worse when minors are involved. I’m just criticising the show. I apologise for making you feel bad about this, I’m just voicing where I stand with the show. I’m definitely not shaming people for enjoying what they enjoy. Sorry for perceiving it that way.


Oh I know. I just love the way they “threaten each other” and it gets cuter and funnier as the show goes on 😅

Melanie Baum

You can't just see it black or white I think. As Claudia has already explained, it always depends a little on perception. The legal age of consent for Taiwan is 16 and by definition the series is exactly within the limits that are permitted for such a relationship. Even if he is a minor, it is still legal under the law and both agree to the relationship (In later episodes). So why is this a problem? In addition, Zong Yi is very mature for his age and Ze Rui is not taking advantage of him or is abusing him in any kind. Their Power dynamic is balanced even if one is already a working adult and the other one is studying. If Zong Yi behaved less maturely or Ze Rui took advantage of his inexperience, things would be different, but then by definition it would no longer be legal. That doesn't mean the kiss was okay, but I don't see a problem with anything else. The same for the second couple. Their age gap is only 3 years and they both grew up together. Even if one of the two is a minor, I don't see a problem. After all, neither of them are strangers to each other and both have reached the age of consent. I think you always have to look at the big picture. And if people feel uncomfortable watching something like this or find it strange, which I can partially understand, then maybe they shouldn't watch this series? I mean, nothing illegal is happening here in terms of relationships, but if people are bothered by the age difference or don't like it, even though it's legal in this case, then no one is forcing them to watch it. 😊


Oh no worries, i might have been a little bit pushy ahahahah but i get your pov, i also felt that way about it. I did try to ignore it because the directors/writers and actors did a really good job at making this show fun and enjoyable to watch. Sorry for being intense, youre fully allowed to have an opinion. 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Ni worries at all. Sorry for approaching this harshly too 😅 I was heated. I hope I’ll enjoy the rest of the show without much criticism


Look at us being adults. People should take notes hahaha thats how you solve a disagreement in a healthy way. Damn my mom would be proud

Tálay Sĕedam

And what about the age difference? The age of consent in Taiwan is 16, and it's still higher than in most European countries.