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Sasha Amani

When I watched the first time my question was what happened to Cake in America ? Eiw had his friend, cake friend, drama club friend, I think being alone in a new country where he only knew his family changed him ! I think old cake would have came out and said that he love Eiw without hesitation

Sasha Amani

Please don't let us wait too long for episode 12 pretty please

Katja S.

This show is really amazing and you don't have to worry, they don't drag it for too long. The waiting to come to this point was long enough. Earth's and Santa's acting is amazing, but especially in the beginning of next episode. So, i hope we can watch the next episode very soon. Please

Cédric Bardoux

Even after so many rewatch I still feel the same emotions.

David Avila

Eeeeeek bring on da next episode.

2222titia .

As someone who left my country right after highschool and cameback 2 years later, I do understand Cake feelings and state of mind really well. At first the ones who stay feel the most depressed because they stay in the same place, same routine but without the person, so they really feel the emptyness while the one leaving os busy with a whole new life to figure out. But after a while you realise that life still going on and that you are missing out those moments. And when you comeback everything and everyone has changed, which is normal, but for the one who comes back it s like they pressed pause but the movie kept running despite it and now they are totally out of the loop. 4 yrs is enormous when it s between 15 and 19, lots of changes on every level. Cake is totally lost and seek for the comfort of the "old" life, the only one he knows. His feelings and him of course have matured, plus the fact he lived in the U.S. where being gay is "accepted" (hear me coughing here... sadly), so he will eventually be able to understand them. But for now he is just totally lost, everything he knew isn t anymore and he wasn't there to day by day adjust to the change, so it is violent for him.

2222titia .

For my weak heart I REALLY NEED next episode sooner than later....and by sooner I mean yesterday 🙏🤗

bhaskar Ravi

Yes bring it..... Its 2 am here.... I watched this even at this time...Javi ep 12... Don't may us wait for 2 weeks for this...