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Dangerous Romance Ep1

Vidyard video



I like Perth and Chimon in general but Perth and his sleazy friend Pawin and JJ. I hate them all. Reminds me of F4 with Bright. We’ll see.

Ryan B

Nice start… OH JAVI, you may need to check out on the first episode of I Feel You Linger in the Air, especially the uncut version. It’s SUPERB. ❤️❤️❤️


I'm interested in this bc it seems like, despite Kang being a bully, Sailom is still one step ahead of him (the credit card scene + him kissing Kang??) and I feel like in other bully stories I've seen, the one being bullied is just being stepped all over so I love how Sailom is different in this case. I would love to see Kang's development though, but Sailom is definitely my favorite. I also love Sailom's friend group! <3

Matthew Kang

I can see why Kang is like that evil doing he has no power in house his dad has no trust in him and it seems like he has no mother and he only can have friends because of his background so he like to have power outside his background gave him power to do that. but not every people who has rich or has bad story does that. like Sailom is so kind and determined personality with bad situation.

Katja S.

I really like the new series and thank you for your reactions. But when will you continue with My only 12%? And are you reacting to HIS MAN 2? I hope you will. It was a great season. Better than the first one.


As Katja said, this was really hard to watch. Especially as an educator here in the USA and knows what that can lead to... mass school shootings. And Javi, I was on the fence about Hidden Agenda as well, but I binged a few episodes and I like it very much!

Onley James

This is gonna take work. I wouldn't keep watching if you weren't reacting to it. I want to run Perth's character over with his fancy stupid car


Yay, you're reacting to this one, too! Wasn't sure, since you're skipping Hidden Agenda (which I totally support you on, extremely boring although technically watchable, just not much in the way of a story there. Has a few nice moments of people communicating maturely which I appreciate and might make for some good teachable moments for teens watching it. So perhaps I'm just not the target age demographic for that one. 🤔 I will NEVER understand how that has more viewers than Be My Favorite, perhaps people just have no taste. 😁) OK, gonna watch your Dangerous Romance reaction, now. (Hopefully you didn't say anything that makes the comment I just wrote seem rude😂, like you love Hidden Agenda so much even though you chose not to react to it, if so, please forgive me... But I doubt it)


Of course I agree the bullying in this was vile, but I guess because this is a GMMTV show and I know all of the actors, plus I've never actually witnessed school bullying like this irl so it comes off as ridiculous exaggeration, I didn't take it as seriously as I should have the first time watching. But damn, they were really terrible to Sailom's shorter friend. Seeing your reaction, plus the people in the comments, I really realized, "Oh, yeah, we're supposed to be able to like Perth at some point, how IS that going to work?! He's a monster!" If we only take into account the interactions with Sailom, it doesn't seem as bad, because Sailom is smarter than him and didn't let Kang get the upper hand. But his poor friend, jesus. So far, Kang's interaction with his dad wasn't enough to feel very sorry for him. We'll have to see if he gets worse (the dad), but as of now he maybe showed a bit of lack of confidence in Kang, but not anything obviously abusive. On the other hand, that quote about training a dog came from his dad, so I assume his dad is worse than we've seen so far. Crazy that Perth's dad in NLMG was actually psycho enough to cause Perth's character to turn out like this, but in that Perth was a sweet kid despite his dad. I don't WANT to see Kang's dad beating him or anything, but something like that would probably be enough for me. I don't think trauma is a good enough excuse for adults to be jerks, but I can forgive a high school kid depending on how the writing is going forward, so we'll have to see. 🤷‍♀️


No cause they better have a verryy good character development for the bullies cause lol I'm not seeing how this would work. Also if Kang is capable of being nice to his grndma, dad and the other girl, he's capable of being nice overall so yeap I'm holding him responsible

Manuel Cabrera

I just feel that this story has been done before... multiple times lol And then he becomes his tutor next episode? I meaaaan....

Zayn Palik

The only thing I see saving this show for me right now is Sailom not being a push over. I hope he stands his ground throughout the series because I can not stand overly rude leads like Kang. Almost felt like swinging on him.😂

Renato Alves

This episode made my blood boil in a way. This is one of the reasons why I hate series with the theme of bullying, it hits too close of home for me