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The Day I Loved You Ep9

Vidyard video



this had the same emotional impact on me as My Only 12 Percent and that says alot-


I was one of those people that didn't like Justin. At the beginning of the series I believed he was giving of some abuser vibe. Happy to see his character growth throughout the series.

simplement stéphane

one of the things i loved about this episode was when Eli asked Nikko's mom how she's doing! ah this moment I said to myself wow what maturity!


Life’s lessons!


Yes, I found that particularly empathetic. The mother sees her beloved son daily and does not help him with his terminal illness.

Gemini Jamal

Whoever ever didn’t like Justin has problems! Like get help. 😂💯


Yes! In the beginning of the series his extreme possessiveness claiming to be Nikko's one and only friend... Driving away other people (Nikko's own words). Classic abuser move. Each person has their red flags in every situation... and at first that was mine with him. I have dealt with enough abuse victims to have seen that from him. One of the main reasons I was happy for his character growth. It is alright that YOU didn't see that, but other people saw that.