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Our Skyy 2 MSP Ep2

Vidyard video


Cynthia Jehl

It truly was a beautiful and moving episode ! I agree, the romance with every couple was so good! The scenes between Tiwson and Por were everything and them in the MV, OMG! The chemistry!!! It's the way Mark plays Tiwson completely besotted each time he looks at Por! And Ford as well. Damn, I really hope we get a series with them as a couple next year. Honestly, Mark has great chemistry with everyone he played along in all his series. I’m so looking forward to Mark with Neo!!!! The fact that Tinn still liked Gun first in this universe was too much for me, damn these butterflies... It's so fitting that they found each other at the pool, even though it didn't seem like an important place in this universe, I like to think that the pool was so significant for the other universe it bled through to this one. Kajorn liking Pat proves the creators lurk on twitter and AO3 😆😆 that was a twist I didn't expect ! Also the little dig at Tinn’s mom being nosy in the other universe (checking Tinn’s phone) with her as a gossip was really funny. I gasped when I saw her lying on the floor... like wth nope not doing that storyline please! The MV being an homage to P’Aof’s past series was really well done, and it fit their personalities too. It's already hard enough saying goodbye to the series but then they hit us with Bad Buddy, He's coming to me and Thousands stars.... damn... 😭😭 Seeing Sound and Win say those lines... I’m not sure how I’m going to be when we finally get Pat and Pran back and then have to say goodbye for good... I’m not ready... The song is really beautiful and they all sound so good. So happy Mark got lines to sing as well, he did so well during the concert too. Is it still crazy to hope for a second season of MSP? Damn... it's going to be MSP withdrawal all over again 😭😭 I’m going to miss your MSP reactions again... I hope we’ll get to see you react to a s2 in the Lion hoodie!!!

Tálay Sĕedam

It was an interesting experiment, but not a very successful one, except for Mark Paking, nothing caught my attention.

Jenny V

I don’t really know what everyone expected. I liked it. They did really well with the parallel universe and keeping it consistent with what their characters actually are whether they switched roles or not. They had two episodes to do the entire 12 episode series, give them a break. Apart from the ending which I would’ve liked to see more cute tinngun, I wasn’t really expecting a kiss. I don’t know, it would’ve been great if they decided to just continue post msp instead of doing this but it was fun and that’s what the our skyy episodes should be. I think people just had high expectations, I get it but we knew it was a parallel universe story so I don’t know why everyone is so negative. I promise you, our skyy doesn’t actually take away from msp. Especially when it had nothing to do with our tinngun. I think I would be way more critical if this was canon msp and they ruined stuff post series. This is why I don’t really want a season 2, msp was perfect as it was. I would rather have a new Geminifourth series as mains then a season 2 but that’s just my opinion from seeing a lot of terrible sequels 😂


Even though I wished we get a new story or special dates but this is cute too, and getting moments between my babes Por and Tiw is a winnnn!


Also " HELLO - in your voice-" kajorn and Pat I didn't see you guys

Renato Alves

Honestly as much i love msp i find this special episodes kinda lazy. They could do so much with it but in my eyes there was this concern about ruining the original story and/or disappointing fans (because lets be honest, wish for a s2 is a reach lol). And i was really looking foward to see TinnGun development as a couple instead of this crush to lover plot AGAIN, that to be honest is very saturated for me. I believe vice versa has had the best episodes so far and I'm very curious to know what Aof plans to do with BB and 1000stars. But anyway, love geminifourth and expect to see a new serie of them as leads in the future.


Yea the ourskyy episodes has definitely been a let down besides ViveVersa