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The Eighth Sense Ep5

Vidyard video


Wan Mendes

Yea! I was asking myself last night if you would post as last week maybe but I’m glad it’s coming at this hour. It was a boring Sunday afternoon. Hope you have a great one too!

Renato Alves

This episode gave me one of my favorite lines in the show: “Hyung, i don’t know what happened to you, but you got this” ugh i cried.

Katja S.

Thank you for posting this today. I needed it. But now i can't stop after this episode, i have to watch the rest. This show is too good. Watched it already 3 times.


This show is so good

Wan Mendes

I don’t know if you’ve realized but when the flashbacks with his little brother buying him his first camera was happening his dad was yelling and while we were watching the flashback there was a sudden noise after his yells and panned to his broken camera afterwards… His dad actually broke the camera because Jaewon didn’t open the door sooner. Hence why he said “Jaejin bought it…” That also might not be the first time it happens considering even the psychiatrist asked him if his dad was still aggressive. That scene broke me a little. I don’t know how vile his dad can be…


Can't wait for more of your reactions to the show. It's just so beautiful, definitely one of my favorite of all time.


Can't wait for more!!


Nice catch. I try to connect that after rewatching it for the 2nd time!