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Between Us Ep11

Vidyard video





Letā€™s not make the argument that Win is this true self when heā€™s with team. At least not in the first 15 minutes of this episode. How could you sit still and not want to hit win over the head? Lol he sat there like a freaking idiot for 15 minutes while team is crying his eyes out and didnā€™t say a freaking word. I have lost all patience with win And I love him. But heā€™s so annoying. This is not who he is at all. Heā€™s an idiot who sits there and doesnā€™t say anything while the love of his life is crying hysterically.?


This episode has been bothering me for so longā€¦ I have been waiting for you to react to this for months. I have watched, and re-watched this, trying to give a win some excuse, some reason for acting as he is, or did in the scene. I have come up with nothing other than paralyzing fear. It makes no sense to me. didnā€™t win just say A couple episodes ago that it was ā€œup to Team?ā€ At least Team had the courage to finally say something. Itā€™s all a mess


Sorry, Iā€™m done now. Lol this wouldā€™ve been better if I had not been on talk to text but I get very emotional at this.


Truly a mess. Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t drag it out and finally became boyfriends in the beginning of the episode. Iā€™ll just pretend those first 20 minutes and like half the scenes from this entire show donā€™t exist. šŸ™ƒšŸ’›


This episode had me boiling I remember screaming put that freaking guitar away and talk šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶ But I have a theory, either: 1) as they gave them the script the papers fell and episode 5 or 6 switched with 11 2) the papers of this episode only fell and team took winā€™s script 3) the writing said that win is going back and forth but the show didn't see this sentence until ep11 Cause it does not make sense šŸ˜‚