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A Boss and a Babe Ep8

Vidyard video


Gemini Jamal

Welp this episode made me dislike Jack, because why interfere with Cher & Boss’s happiness/relationship when you clearly see that Cher doesn’t care about what’s being said by outside parties in the office. Blatantly planting these seed in his head that weren’t there before convincing him he should care about what others say. Granted Jack thinks he’s looking out for Cher but it comes across like he’s planting those seeds because he’s uncomfortable about the gossip & being associated with Cher knowing he’s having relations with Boss. I don’t like it. If you’re not gonna be a supportive friend just don’t say anything & mind your business.


Also Cher's university might have something to say. He did mention the university Intern person was coming. Might end up as nothing.. this show doesnt really drag out the drama. Jack should just have said chill when in the office until the internship is over. But we need that tad bit of drama to maybe show how well they can work through this.

Ryan B

Javi... Maybe you wanna add Step by Step series soon 😊