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The Warp Effect Ep5

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Onley James

I never expected to love this show as much as I do. I am watching with you for the first time and the wait is killing me but its so much better with your commentary.

Cynthia Jehl

Yeah Mollie definitely became a fave this episode. I was already liking them after that bad ass audition but this episode was theirs! Love the happiness when they got the call for the leading role. Mollie and Tony are a vision! The asshole has shit in his eyes... The amount of times I've scene the Alex enjoying life montage 😆😆 it was all over twitter after the episode aired. I really love how fun the series is with the humor, and then the more serious scenes are also well written and acted. My two fave scenes are Mollie in the bathroom, so heartbreaking...and the talk between Mollie and Alex. Oh next episode will give a few answers but raise more questions. I'm curious to see your reaction to it.

Jessi Lovely

I don’t know what the industry is like in Thailand but I work in film in the U.K. and the way that DOP conducted himself is enough to not only get him fired but blacklisted from future productions and even have charges pressed against him for homophobia and hate speech. His job is to flatter the actors with lighting and angles hence the job title “director of photography”; he shouldn’t have any input on who the director chooses. He’s showing himself to be unskilled if he can only light and frame one type of look, actually. I find it rich having the audacity to give his opinion on who should be picked when if he’d even attended the auditions or even read the script he’d know from the lead lady’s lines that what the character is fighting against is the very stigma he’s portraying. Fire his whole ass.


Finally found time to catch up with this :D Javi, you are intelligent, you are funny, you are insightful, and you are beautiful just the way you are. This series is already killing and your reactions made it even better! I came across this book called "The Body Is Not an Apology" and I love it so I'm just throwing it here in case you are interested. :) Again, love your reactions as always!