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Well the tea is that if I am not wrong correct me if I am. But Hyuk Jun was in a relationship doing the show but no one knew. Jong ho and him where seeing each other/dating for like a couple months. Then Jong ho posted on his ig story if Hyuk don’t post a apology that he would out his cheating story. So he did apologize and I don’t thing any of the guys talk to him anymore! So I don’t know what’s going on there but! Pretty shitty thing to do. For Changmin and Jeonghyun they like dated for a few months also I think but they both where to busy for a relationship but they are still friends. The had a live together not to long ago and they still seem close! And Jeonghyun is seeing someone else now and they are very cute hihi. That’s all the tea I think hahah!🫣😏


Regardless of the tea I’m really glad we had this show and Korea is opening up more !! I hope in the future we have s2 too!

Tammy S

I thought the deal with Hyukjun was that he was dating before the show, but not in a relationship, went out a couple times with Hokeep after the show, but then decided he liked the other person better and made it official with them? And Hokeep was mad because he thought Hyukjun had no intention of really dating him? The other guys (except Hokeep I believe) still follow Hyukjun. Not sure how much anyone actually speaks or hangs out with him though. Some seem closer than others. Also, Jeonghyun and Changmin unfollowed each other on Instagram a few weeks ago. Unless I’ve missed it, I don’t think the two have been seen together or posted from each others places like they used to since then, so I’m not really sure what’s recently happened between the two of them.


Okay, as someone who was keeping tabs on the drama, I will clarify the Jeonghyun/Changmin thing. They basically confirmed in the world's longest live stream that they were not dating. In the live stream though, Jeonghyun made it clear that he was still interested, and Changmin made it clear that he too really liked Jeonghyun, but had to focus on his job, and that it didn't feel like the right time to start a relationship when his job would only cause stress to their relationship. THEN the next day, Changmin (while drunk) posted screenshots of conversations between him and Jeonghyun and him and his friends where he basically said that the live stream had felt like a work commitment from Jeonghuyn's side. He also posted screenshots of conversations where they both accused each other of having other relationships. Because of misunderstandings, they both thought the other was dating other people, and it made them both give up. Because Changmin did this, twitter went into a frenzy, hate was being thrown towards both parties (mostly Changmin) and it was all a big mess. THEN they unfollowed each other, Jeonghuyn found someone else, but it didn't last long, since they basically broke up after only a few days of being public, and he posted lots of stories about how it was a bad idea to introduce the new guy so early, and stuff like that. As far as I know they are publically both single. And I feel so sorry for hte both of them, because obsessed fans on twitter have been sending hate comments, making assumptions about new relationships and just putting so much strain on both of them. It's a mess.


I absolutely loved this show! There needs to be more shows like this. Shows like these just go to show that LOVE IS LOVE no matter gender, race, or anything other than love. Would love a season two.


Thank you for the information on the whole situation!😅🫢

Manuel Cabrera

Also, going off of what javi said about "How can they get so attached in just a week?" We really only saw like the highlights of their interactions with each episode, like only an hour of their day pretty much. They were together 24/7 for an entire week. I'd say it would be even more weird if they didn't get attached at all after spending so much time together. I do hope we get another season of this, or a similar show like this. Countries like korea, conservative countries, need this type of content to educate those ignorant about these type of subjects.

Zaria Middleton

ngl it kinda pissed me off when ppl like chang min and others who at least have had mutual romantic interactions would b like "uwu I so nervous" whenever the call didn't go through for ppl who literally NEVER got picked like my bb chan gyu or eun chan. like I just felt personally offended for them bc yall already know youre at least liked by the other person or have a chance, so why are you being more dramatic than the ppl with no chance? i actually cried angry tears when I first watched it lol. i need to text my therapist...


LOL I understand where your coming from lol.Like, oh, its so hard when I get 3 letters where as the others get none.