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Renato Alves

they promissed nothing and give us everything, ugh gonna miss them


I love it so much. Saturday used to be the day I've been looking forward to the most for the past 3 months, now I don't have anything to watch on Saturday 😭

Ryan B

I totally agree with your comment about the sponsors. I believe this is not the first BL that has product placements, nor a theme about marriage equality. Since Vice Versa started, these negative feedbacks are not totally directed to the product placement scenes but rather for the whole series itself. The negative feedbacks are generally coming from a fraction of the diehard OhmNanon supporters who were and STILL are disappointed that OhmNanon did not get more screen time than what THEY expected and hoped for. They just could not get to understand that this is JimmySea’s series and they still push for OhmNanon. I am an OhmNanon fan but I just could not fathom why these supporters could be so selfish and still could not get the point l. Vice Versa is so underrated and this is somehow due to some folks who continue to find and highlight loopholes because of their delusions and frustrations.

Ryan B

I’m sure gonna miss PuenTalay every week and I’m with you in the hope of Season 2 with married PuenTalay with the story and view of how the people from the other universe has been, especially for the side couples, and the update of P’Dol 🙏☺️☺️☺️🥹

Kayla Freeman

Going to miss this so much 🥹 I really hope Sea & Jimmy get another series together 🫶🏼

Renato Alves

Javi, the pilot for I feel you Linger in the Air just came out. It already is giving masterpiece vibes. Please react to it 🥺


are we having another poll for the bl replacing this one

Kristian De Luna

This is one of the best BLs that GMMTV have produced so far... And as always, I love your reactions Javi 🙂... But I don't know, it's kinda "brutal" at least for Talay's and Puen's parts that they won't be seeing the people and friends that they have gotten so close to in the other universe over the past two freakin years!!! I also can't help but feel emotional on the part where Talay said that he's seeing his friends in the other universe in his dreams and what their lives look right now... I mean, for sure Talay and Puen already adjusted their mindset that they will not see these people anymore but still, it cuts deep 😪 This reminded me so much of what I feel about the ending of The Miracle of Teddy Bear. 😞 Now if only GMMTV can give us a season 2 but this time, they can travel between universes and tell their friends the truth... That would be sick!!! 😊

Cynthia Jehl

I was smiling so much watching this episode!!! Episode 11 was the one that made me cry so much but this one just filled me with joy! Even the drama didn't get me too emotional because I trusted that they'd make it all okay. Gyo, Talay's friend, is true MVP!! Also, funny how she said she's a shipper since she was one in The Shipper series 😂 she truly is a great friend and I'm sure she'll protect Talay and Puen no matter what the cinema business drama. I also really loved that we got to see that the association also exists in our universe. The 16 year old kid was in episode 6 actually, he was complaining about being stuck in an underage body and he wasn't allowed to drink, and then said he was in his fourties in his universe. Loved that we got a version of Up and Aou!! And Neo looks so cute as a nerd character 🥰 complete opposite of Up 🤣 Overall, I really enjoyed following Talay and Puen’s story. They're both well written characters, and Jimmy Sea did a wonderful job as their first main role and their first BL roles. I love watching them portray the characters. Sea is quickly becoming a new fave actor from GMM for me🥰 and I already loved Jimmy from the Bad Buddy behind the scenes so it was great seeing him in a main role. Another thing I loved about VV is the gorgeous cinematography from start to end. I grew to really appreciate the work of a colorist. It is so important to choose the right colours to fit the tone of a scene, and VV colorist did a brilliant job! Loved that we saw glimpses of the other universe too. Maybe when you've crossed universes, you can dream about the lives of the people you knew in the other universe. It's such a brilliant concept. And even though, I wished we'd seen more of our friends from the other universe, and the resolution of Tess and Tun, I still quite like that's it is open ended. We get happy glimpses and with that we can imagine what happened. I think the two movies they made with Friend Credits predicted that ending. The first one had an open ending, for Tess and Tun when they're back, for all the other characters from the other universe, even Fuse and Aou get a cute open ending. And the second movie had a happy ending, that was Talay and Puen. They really had the happy ending with a proposal in the extra Lays mini episode !!! And even Dol crossing back! It's been a beautiful journey, emotional, sad, and full of love and joy. The only things I would have liked they'd done different or more: -Tess and Tun’s story. I was quite invested from the first 2 episodes and I'd hoped to see a resolution. But I'm also okay with the hopeful open ending they got, just wished we'd see them get to that point. - We didn't see what became of Mek and Pang. I was sad not to see them in the finale. But that's honestly the only things I'd change, the rest was so good and I know I will enjoy rewatching this series because so many things were foreshadowed in earlier episodes ! It will be fun to rewatch it 🥰 Loved watching your reactions each week. Truly going to miss Talay and Puen, Dol, Friend Credits, Kita, Fuse, Pang, Mek, Tun and yes, even Tess lol. Saturdays won't be the same without VV 🥺❤️

Naddel xD

Jimmy and Sea honestly killed me with their performances! One of THE best shows of this years and definitly a new favorite coupling of mine! Such good actors with great, natural-looking chemistry!