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Hi everyone!

Please leave your BL suggestions down below for our next poll. I will be choosing the 10 most requested or liked so that the poll isn’t as large and we can narrow down the margins a bit. If someone already recommended the one you want, leave a like on the comment. The poll will be up within the next day or so! ✨



Takara-kun & Amagi-kun ... such a lovely, little feel-good series <3

Manuel Cabrera

Would you consider reacting to a short? There's a really good one called Trémulo · Trembling. It's a 20 minute mexican short easily available on youtube.


Love in the air

Melanie Baum

I know you said you don't want to react to Love in the air because you haven't liked the writer's work so far. To be honest I didn't really like the work so far either, but I gave the series a shot anyway and I'm surprised at how much the writer has progressed with this series. Feels like he's fixed everything that wasn't so good in the other series here. The characters are all so lovable. There's nothing toxic and no unnecessary drama so far. Rarely have I seen such a mature, healthy relationship. They have amazing communication, are really caring and loving each other, even the love making scenes are slow and tender and sometimes really hot. The best I have ever seen in any bl's so far, even better than KinnPorsche for me. All i can they is after 6 episodes that this series has really surprised me in a good way and it shows how a relationship should work. It would be a miss to not see it. Even if you don't want to react to it, maybe watch it in private, you will be surprised. ^^ Other than that, I would recommend About Youth. It's really cute and the characters are all adorable.

Jenny V

*will contain spoilers* Look as someone that has seen all her content and just binged 5 episodes of love in the air just to see any progress… erm I’m sorry to say but she really hasn’t changed whatsoever. I mean ffs he spanks him when he has no right to they don’t even know each other well, tries to have sex with him multiple times during the first like two episodes when he knows it made rain even slightly uncomfortable. My dudes that is not how you pursue someone you care about. There was no need to invade his space in that way, I should say there’s no need to make such dubious consent moves to pursue someone when it could’ve been nicer if he flirted with him innocently the entire time. Also he keeps making rain do shit he doesn’t want like with the fever medicine. Can Mame just fucking write something that just… makes sense and people in real life would actually do. She just can’t help herself can she, I will say that this one is less problematic then her other ones but it doesn’t mean that it absolves this one either ya know. Also if you’re going to bring punishment into a relationship… talk about it at least I don’t know. I’m obviously shitting on it but I’ve been into bl for years now and problematic stuff comes with the territory so I still watch it for the cute stuff and smut I guess and to see where it progresses. Hopefully there’s not as much weird stuff that has no reason to be done in the future episodes.

Melanie Baum

*will contain spilers* Well, Payu came on a bit strong in the beginning, that's right but he had no bad intentions at all. Also he only tried to sleep with him once in Episode one and stopped after Rain rejected him. Their first time after this definetely was consentual. Maybe Rain was a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, but he was attracted to Payu from day one and after getting together he is totally into this relationship. The only 'punishment' i think was unnecessary was the spanking, that's right. Otherwise it was more of a playful 'punishment', if anything. The way you say it sounds more dramatic than it actually is for me. But I think everyone sees and feels differently about such stuff and it's ok to have different opinions. :)

Jenny V

I wasnt trying to make the punishment thing dramatic I know it’s a very common trope-y thing in bl and a very playful thing for most of the established couples in a series but would I love for at least one couple who seems to enjoy role play of any kind to talk about it? Yes it would be nice but the punishments I was talking about were before they got together. Also yes I know rain was attracted to him the entire time but that doesn’t mean you can just go up to someone in the toilet and fondle them (fondle isn’t the right word but you know what I mean) basically all I’m saying it kinda sick and tired of weird shit in bl. Look I’m also not saying I like my couples squeaky clean I just don’t enjoy the unnecessary weird little problematic and very awkward things that it has. Overall the series has been okay and they’re quite cute now that they’re together but it’s not like Mame has changed she just caters to the public and she doesn’t want more shit thrown at her. I just have a lot of problems with her tis all but I have also watched and enjoyed her series she just has a lot of…. Terrible views. I don’t like to shit on what obviously a lot of people love I just wanted to point out that isn’t not as unproblematic as everyone is making it out to be, I’m still watching it myself so I’d be a hypocrite if I said I didn’t enjoy it if I ignore all the weird things

Sam sam

Tinted With You!!!!!

Sam sam

also if u haven't seen history trapped!!!!!! it's just amazing


Love in the Air 🙏🏼


Why people keep mentionning "Love In The Air" when he obviously said that he won't react to it!!!!!!!!


Love in the air pls

Chris B.

Can people stop spamming Love in the Air? 1. It's a terrible series. 2. Javi has mentioned several times now on multiple platforms that he's not going to watch it.

Tammy S

I’ll throw my hat in for The Untamed because it’s a must see at least once in everyone’s life, but there are a lot of episodes so it would take a while to get through. Not sure how people would feel with you dedicating so much time to one show.


Well that's your opinion that "it's a terrible series" but I do agree that he's already stated he isnt going to do it and ppl should respect that.


I understand your point of view and this is no way me trying to change opinions or anything like that. I do think when it comes to series and books we get a very unique perspective that is completely unachievable in real life. We have the ability to see instead both characters' heads. In real life, no matter what, you don't know that is happening inside someones head. So we can see that Rain isnt uncomfortable with their power dynamic b/c they've even put in his inner monologue telling telling us. He came off more as surprised that he's enjoying their interactions which is confusing to him (to me). I dont think power dynamics are automatically problematic if both parties are consenting and happy with it.


We understand that Javi Doesn't like Mame and people just want to show their love and support for it. But its actually really well done. I was worried what the next tragic issue would be after TT and Dont Say No but Love in the Air so far is awesome. There were slow parts but its very well done.


Yes, I agree, but we still try, lol. Come on We got Secret Crush lol. But we understand he has his reasons, but not everyone may have read his posts on the subject ahead of time. Im just so happy there are so many great series to pick from :)