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Wan Mendes

The pretend to make out thing is also the first thing I thought of lmao. Also at the end, it’s still not clear if he’s seen his uncle die or not because in that scene he was wearing the necklace, while his uncle also was wearing the necklace so I guess we will know for sure in the next episodes.

Cédric Bardoux

I don't think it was pressure of the school or rules that Akk did played the dictator's hand, he was too afraid of being alone and rejected so he was ready to do anything to be accepted in any kind of group. He did have some pressure from his parents though. You got the same pattern in the mind of those who join streetgang. To be part of a group is the primary goal, seeling drugs just become secondary (as a imperfect exemple). I wish so much the story of Kan Thua would be more detailed, the deepest is their but we do not have them on the board.

katsu ne

Did anyone catch how the eating scene and the cat scene were references to Bad Buddy? The dialogue in the cat scene is almost identical lol Loved it

Cynthia Jehl

I was going to say!!! It gave me such Bad Buddy vibes ! Cats used to get protagonists physically close, I approve 😂

Cynthia Jehl

An interesting episode, when Ayan revealed that Akk was behind the 'curse' incidents, that was a bit shocking. But after seeing that cult like intro with Akk's initiation ceremony as prefect (it seemed), I can see he's trying to not disappoint. And after Wat saying how Akk idolised teacher Chadok, then it could also add to him wanting to do good in his eyes. The acting from Kirst and Kao during the beach scene was really moving. All their scenes were really good this episode. "More than friends, less than lovers" just like Fuse's t-shirt in Vice Versa when Talay was preparing for his non date night. Khan saying he's jealous then trying to backtrack but Thua isn't stupid and his happy knowing smile, that was everything! They don't have lots of scenes but I've loved every single one so far. And next episode looks promising!!!! Can't wait!!! I feel sad that Akk and Khan don't support Wat when he's filming, especially knowing how he edited a video of their carefree moment. I hope they will in the future episodes. I really didn't see any hint at something more with the teacher, but now that you mentioned it, can't unsee it... The whole bedroom scene was so good. First Akk gay panicking on a whole new level going as far as kicking Ayan off the bed, putting a pillow barrier and laying so stifly next to Ayan 😂😂😂 But the moment Ayan showed distress in his sleep, Akk didn't hesitate to comfort him, and the sweet peck on Ayan's cheek 🥺❤️ And then of course, the beautiful kiss that felt so natural between the two. The way Ayan looks at Akk when they part, looking if Akk is pulling away, and then going in for a second kiss ❤️ Next episode really looks promising and I can't wait for the Khan and Thua scene and Ayan and Akk on the beach.

Wanitta D Belleh

I enjoyed this ep. The conversation between Wat and ajan Suni shows that Akk is being manipulated even his friends see it. Seeing the joy drop from Thua's face at the mention of his step-dad breaks my heart. I'm worried there is more happening there and I'm scared to know what that is. His personality (step dad's) seem different when it's just them and when mom is there and NOT in a good way. I'm not so sure if that's how his uncle died, or that's just how he sees it in his nightmares I don't know why I felt like the kiss wasn't "real".


Does anyone else think that Ayan making Akk look for the notebook the entire time was to prevent Akk from going by himself and doing something dangerous with the curse stuff? Ayan definitely didn't believe him when Akk told him he wouldn't do it anymore. I think that scene from the kiss to the hugging will have the continuation in the next episode. I definitely think the kiss was real. Don't say such things Javi 😂 It has to be real or I'm going to cry. Perfect kiss for me. The tension and tenderness were both there.


I didn't catch the cat one but definitely the eating one. Except thankfully Ayan didn't actually spit out the food like Pat did 😂

Wanitta D Belleh

I agree, that he was. I feel a lot of the "blackmailing " of Akk that Aye does is often to the benefit of Akk.


Yes he is looking out for him and also helping him think for himself. Even with the photo when Ayan kissed him on the cheek in the car. He wanted Akk to go inside the Diversity Cafe to make him more comfortable with his sexuality and broaden his horizons. I don’t think he was ever going to post that photo.


Agree. I don't think Ayan believes that the notebook is with Ayan, probably just keep him busy

David Avila

First and Khao invented acting in dat beach scene. Also KanThua Nation Rise Up. And Thua’s stepdad. Is he accepting of Thua’s sexuality? I jus think he definitely wrong in da head but maybe he jus wants to make Thua tough.


This episode made me cry for both of them 💔💔 I'm glad I wasn't the only one questioning the noises at the end🤣


I think they may be trying to make Thua's step dad one of those parents that just don't know how to communicate and he wants him to be tougher bc he knows his sexuality and doesn't want him to be bullied but doesn't know how to communicate that properly