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Will start recording again today. I’m not sure if I’ll get to SCOY and The Devil Judge today, but if I can’t get to them this weekend, I’ll resume my usual schedule this upcoming week.

I know there are a lot of things airing right now but a few things we’re watching are coming to an end in a few weeks, so I’ll be sure to have a new K-Drama and BL poll up once the schedule clears up a bit.

For those wondering, mom is doing okay. She’s been diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis, which has debilitated her ability to do much of anything unfortunately, as it’s pretty severe. She’s starting medication and treatment soon so hopefully that helps alleviate her symptoms. Thank you all so much for your messages and well wishes, it really means the world! 💛



Wishing her a speedy recovery. Take care of yourselves ♥️

Kristian De Luna

I hope your mom gets well soon Javi... Sending her all the good energy for her health 🙂 Also for you as well Javi... take care of yourself


Take your time, and we know how things are overwhelming with these lot of serieses being aired. No matter what don’t forget to take care of your self and your health!🤍 I hope your mother get well soon send her our love and best wishes! Su su na!

simplement stéphane

ahh cool big big hug to mom and think to take care of you too


I hope your mom feels better. Please take care of yourself too, Javi.

Onley James

We will wait. Hope she feels better soon.

Calebe Pessoa

Great news mom is getting better 😊. As a nurse myself I know how this can be tough. Don't forget to look after yourself. Tons of love ❤️

EriX Ismael

Family first Javy it's OK for me idc if everything is delayed tc ur mom and have a nice weekend.

Cédric Bardoux

My heart beats in harmony with you for your mother ! (I lost mine in april, sudden disease took her away, I know the anxiety it could bring but I wish you keep your family love as long it may). Take care of you !


I pray she gets better


Hey Javy I hope on your next poll u put MY SECRET LOVE and WAR OF Y I hope your mom gets better with the meds