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Plus & Minus Ep5



The fight wasn't quite as extra as I remembered it. Still found it very dramatic, and like why are our leads so badass, fighting off twice their number who all have weapons? 😂 I don't like the second couple. I skipped some of their scenes even the first time watching. Compared to the main leads who have known each other for 20 years, with Fu Li Gong pining for half of that, I just can't take their love-at-first-sight-with-nothing-in-common seriously. And with the focus on divorces in this, too. How can we take a whirlwind romance seriously as a probable long-term match? I just don't think the writing for them was strong enough to interest me. That luscious hair, though. 😁

Ari KN


David Avila

Yes ma’am. Super hero Fu Li Gong. Jus hit play. Thank u 🫂


I can't believe Li Gong even hesitated about Ze Shou helping him shower. He's offering..take him up on it! 😂

Kasey Emig

Aaron and Hank showing up was so random lol. I literally agree that I didn't love Beloved in House. It was very much...so so. But seeing them again was definitely nice. Hank is so fucking cute. Anyway, these main two have so much obvious tension and I don't understand how they are not picking up on what the other is putting down? The side couple is doing alot though. That hair tho...