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Vice Versa Ep3


Chris B.

Is anyone else having trouble with Javi's videos freezing every 5-10 seconds? It's happening on this and the Star & Sky video. It's not happening with any of the other Patreons I follow or any other video streaming sites so I don't think it's my internet. It's driving me crazy though cuz once it unfreezes it skips ahead so I keep missing subtitles...


It might be Vidyard on Desktop since I tried watching another creator’s video earlier and it was doing that. It works fine on mobile so maybe they’ll fix it soon.

Chris B.

Ahhh okay. Makes me feel better that it's not something wrong with my computer. I'll check back later to watch. Thanks


I got the same issue when using Google Chrome, but then I changed to Firefox browser and it's back to normal

Cédric Bardoux

That episode was really better than before. I may start like it. My problem... I have a huge bias against Jitirain, I never like her previous work which were ridicule for me.


the videos are freezing for me and its not my wifi. this one and star & sky


Someone mentioned earlier that it seems to be a google chrome issue, so try the link on a different browser and see if that works.

Cynthia Jehl

Thank you for your advice to watch it on another browser, it worked fine on my mobile (just took a little long to load). Loved this episode, this series keeps getting better the more we get. I love that this time we got more focus on the characters rather than the universe. I feel like now both Talay and Puen spent long enough time to adjust to the differences and it's more about the lives of the two people they switched with that is more important. Am I the only one who got Theory of Love vibes this episode? With 4 friends working together to make a movie. The friendship moments between Tun, Up and Aou were wholesome!!! Especially loved the whole flashback sequence and the apology scene. I know I going to love this trio for the rest of the series 😊😊 The whole date but not really a date scenes were so cute!! And it was funny and adorable how Puen and Talay were copying some of the things the couple did like Puen paying for both of them in the cafe, them sharing the popcorn bucket, having a meal together... so cute!!! The bathtub scene was even better than what I imagined! The way Puen is just so smooth with what he says and how Talay reacted to him when he cleaned his heart from the dust. You can see he's trying to not tear up when he looked away for a bit. I'm curious if we'll see why Talay is so closed up on love, maybe we'll get some more explanation or a flashback. As much as I loved the bathtub scene, for me the one that made me melt was the helmets!!!! When Talay sees the writing on the back ❤️❤️❤️ and then we see he wrote on Puen's helmet too !! I hope we see Puen's reaction next episode!! Puen is definitely already falling/or already in love with Talay, and the way he doesn't hide it in everything he does (like nearly kissing Talay when stealing that frie from his mouth). Talay may be falling too but since he's so closed of to the feelings of love, he may not fully understand what he feels or that Puen has been hitting on him from the start. Like you said, he probably sees it as a great friendship. I'm loving this series so much already!!!


Still having problems witht he freezing, will just wait till it's out on yt


Have you tried any other web browsers? The issue seems to only be specific to Chrome since other browsers work fine for me and some others.


I usually use “Microsoft Edge”, I used that and it was freezing, and “Opera Browser” but it didn’t even allow me to sign in 😭


So it might be happening on both Edge and Chrome. Some of us have used Firefox and Safari and it seems to work on those fine.