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Love Mechanics Ep4



Oh and btw, it doesn't lag for me most of the time, but it did happen a couple of times. I just selected a lower resolution then.


Not defending the cheating at all, but I think the reason Vee slept with Mark is bc 1) they were drunk, 2) Mark was pleading for him to sleep with him and I think Mark felt bad for him so he let it happen, and 3)I think Vee had some dormant feelings for him. No excuse for all the cheating but it's my best understanding of what happened between them in episode one.


I love the series I just really hope this whole “break” thing is resolved in the next ep bc I honestly don’t want to stand 2-3 eps with a false sense of cute relationship stuff for ploy to come back and stir it again by choosing vee (I hope she picks Ton for my stressed heart)

Renato Alves

I really can’t stand Vee, he is so narcissistic and his sense of relationship is totally messed up. But after i watched the directors cut with the extra scenes from the episodes, i could excused a lot of his actions towards Mark. I sympathize a lot with Mark, honestly i think he deserves better.


This show to me is one where I kinda leave my.. not morals exactly but some of my real world beliefs behind. Not worth defending the characters b/c to me almost all of them are walking disasters. They are both cheating and are both in the wrong but I just eat the angst and chemistry up. It just sucks me in with the drama lol


Javi your reaction to this episode cracked me up. Your face when Vee was feeding Ploy!! 🤣🤣 About the phone call, I'm pretty sure the rooms are sound proof. In the first episode when Mark heard Ploy & Vee, they were on the balcony and Mark's door was open. He hears them out there and walks straight out to his own balcony. I think the most important takeaway from this episode is Vee's insecurities around money...and that no matter what, we can trust Vee to be a complete idiot and fuck everything up haha. When Vee says "You shouldn't lie to your heart," he really needs to take some of his own advice. The studying montage was so cute, I'm all in on this pairing and just holding out until we can see more sweet moments between them. Looking forward to seeing you react to the next ep!


BITCH WHO IS NOT CALLING THIS MAN A CHEATER IS A CHEATER !!!!! I love your reaction I cannot wait for the next episode!!!!!


Your frustration watching this episode 😂 I also agree that we know the right things to do but as you said saying it is easier than doing it. I remember being in college and my friends getting themselves in these messy situations all the time so to me it's quite realistic. I can see how people would get annoyed watching though. I think Vee being upset over Mark and Nuea is also because he is dealing with his issue of not being well-off financially and hence not good enough for Ploy. It was shown that Nuea is a rich boy so to Vee it is the same insecurity coming back except now it's with Mark. The boy is a dumbass most of the time but I just can't see him as a bad guy so I have a soft spot for him.

Zaria Middleton

your reaction had me crying laughing this ep lmaooo. i literally had the same thought processes as you omg.

Onley James

This show makes me want to flip a table. Vee lacks any type of backbone whatsoever but then, so does Mark. He's so desperate for him to love him he's willing to take the scraps. Like...Imma keep watching though.