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To My Star 2 Ep7-8


Kasey Emig

I want you to react to Old Fashion Cupcake so badly. This series is doing so much

Melanie Baum

Well, Ji Woo is really hard to understand, but i feel, like i do. Because of his past experience he was too hurt and insecure and build up large walls around his emotions to protect himself. He pushed SJ away, knowing full well that SJ did nothing wrong. Their problems were mostly in his own head. I also think that he thinks little of himself, that's why he thought SJ would get over their break up really fast. SJ was the one always surrounded by people who cared about him and Ji Woo only had SJ. For someone like Ji Woo it's not easy to open up to a lot of people. In the one year after he left Seo Joon, i guess, he could fool himself that Seo Joon would get over him fast and he was the only one suffering from this. Again all of this is only in his head. But after seeing Seo Joon again and realizing that the other hadn't moved on at all, that bubble popped really fast. After this episode he finally realizes what he had lost or better, what he threw away. I really like this second season, because it really shows that sometimes love isn't enough and how lack of communication can ruin a relationship. This is something that is not easily fixed and i hope they resolve it in a realistic manner.


I love your comment. It put into words everything I was thinking. I think the end with Jiwoo crying was also because he realized how much he hurt Seojoon when he left. He really believed Seojoon would forget about him and not suffer that much but realizing how much he missed him during the time he was gone probably hurt Jiwoo even more.