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Heartstopper Ep4-6


Cédric Bardoux

I actually really love Tao's mind. He is an advocate, a defenser, a future laywer activist. Yes he is harsh and straightforward but I really love his mindset. Didn't thought I could love him. As for the knowledge of being gay, I was 12 (or so). It was a simple fact. This is a chair, this colour is yellow, I love boys. Period. Next chapter. There was no questionning, no struggle, no panic. Somehow, it was boring because it came as a simple fact; and as weird it may sound, I wished a little dose of drama while later watching movies and series about the topics of coming-out but I didn't get it therefore the discovery of the self was kind of... how to say ot properly... lost. I did get it without heart beating fast moment. For your comment about having this kind of show in our teenage years, I'm over 40. The 1990 weren't yet welcoming. Coming out without Google, YouTube or any social media helping to get representation was like daring. I am actually totally envious of younger generation not because they are young but because they got the proper ''tools'' to show up themselves.

Jenny V

During secondary school I thought I was the token straight friend in my friend group I didn’t really think too much about what it would be like to date girls or if I would like that. A lot of my friends came out as bisexual or gay and it was just such a norm that I didn’t really think about it too much I’ve always liked boys more. Mine wasn’t really a dramatic discovery since I surrounded myself with LGBTQ+ friends I just thought about actually kissing and being with a girl for once instead of ignoring that it’s a possibility and well I just accepted that I wouldn’t hate it if I did and that’s that. I’ve come out to all of my friends, my parents still don’t know they’re pretty homophobic so… I don’t think it’s necessary to come out as bi unless I’m in a serious relationship with a girl and it’s unavoidable. Nick is just such a good character to have for bisexual people my god it felt so good to be seen.

Chris B.

O...M...G. I was so stoked to hear them use "What's It Gonna Be" by Shura for the rain scene. If you haven't seen it, you should totally check out the music video. It is such a perfect little LGBT story.

Kasey Emig

For one, this series is perfect so far. Secondly, since you asked lol I'm transmasculine/nonbinary and also gay. I knew as soon as I went through puberty that I was uncomfortable in my body. I came out as trans* as soon as I got to college and I'm now 32. Fourteen years of being out and proud! As far as my sexuality, I came out in fourth grade as bisexual which was surprisingly easy for me as my mom also identifies that way. I later realized that sexual feelings and romantic feelings were different and that I'm only romantically attracted to other men/masculine identifying people i.e I'm homoromantic. Anyway, that's all for now lol

Kasey Emig

Also, I have a crush on Tao. I love him so much


Wait a min I don’t think javi have mention nothing about how nice nicks body is through the 6 ep

Manuel Cabrera

Me realizing I liked boys sort of hit me like a truck one day lol. I was 11, first day of 7th grade at a new school, this boy walks in and first thing that pops into my mind is "Oh, he'd make a good gay partner"... literaly like that, verbatim (wtf me? lmao). I knew what being gay was cause my mom had gay friends and I'd met them over time so I wasn't confused by the concept. It did take a couple years after that to really come out to myself though, but that's when I realized it looking back, right at that moment. Nothing before and then suddenly all at once.


(sorry for the long upcoming bible lmao) ep 6 is really unforgettable to me. as a 24 y/o bisexual myself, i feel SO seen with nick’s way trying to find what his sexuality is, brought me to tears the first time i saw the ep. i already had gay friends and had heard their experiences realizing their sexuality. the “i was always aware of it” came up a lot, so when i started to feel attracted to girls i felt so weird, i was confused and didn’t relate to the “i always kinda knew”, and felt like questioning myself meant i was just overthinking it. like “well if i HOLD hands TIGHTLY with my friends, its totally normal for my heterosexual heart to beat this fast, it happens to everyone 🤗” (oh if only i knew back then lmao) saying i was a lesbian never felt quite right, and i was so afraid of even thinking about being bisexual by how the media portrayed it (the stereotype that bisexuals = cheaters, or that bisexuals = being confused and its just a PHASE). it wasn’t until uni that i met one of my now best friends, and hearing her explain her bi awakening really made sense to me, cause i felt almost everything if not all the things she was describing. im kinda jealous with today’s generations ‘cause shows like these will really help them. in this age and era, it really is the media and internet that more or less will shape a part of us, no matter if we’re aware of it or not, and i wish i had this positive portrait of the lgbt+ community back then.


Omg loving ep 6, so the guy that come out in the laptop talking about he's bisexual, I follow him on YouTube he's name is Courtney-Jai, I was so excited to see him there 😄 ❤️, I had to rush and congratulate him on being on the series ❤️ 💙


I love that you said that. Yes I don't understand why people say it's a phase. You hear it so much like, i tried that in college, I hate that line. I'm straight and I'm so glad that this show has so much, gay, lesbian and a transgender it's so perfect for everyone especially young people. TV really helps us be aware of things as well. When I was a kid and I'm older than you I went to an all girls after school program and we had 2 girls that were best friends and had short hair, they would be made fun of because they were tomboys and girls would call them gay. I would get so mad at the bullies it's like so what who cares how they dress and what they do and they were just best Friends we were under ten and it didn't matter if they liked each other which they didn't. I just want everyone to be free with who they are. It's wrong that others make anyone feel bad. I'm glad your able to know who you are and thar it's ok to be bi.


Loved the reaction Javi 😊😊!! I personally was always attracted to both genders, but I’ve always put women in the background simply thinking of them as “pretty”. I only really thought hard about it in my junior year of high school and have accepted myself as Bisexual (Even though I feel that I lean towards pansexuality as I got older 😭) but I’ll figure it out in due time lol I don’t freak out about it like I used to ☺️☺️


So Im a girl and Im really new to my sexuality like I never knew I was also atracted to girls, its very new Im still not sure and I feel like I need to first explore my sexuality but Im also so scared because if in the end I really end up to like girl is gonna be' a big problem for my life. My family is really closed mentally and they are muslims and if I really find out that I like girls I feel like Im gonna suffer so much, so Im scared to go out and explore because I feel like that if I stay in the dark about my self Im gonna have good life but also there is a problem about that I know that one day Im gonna regret this so I really dont know what to do 🤗😅😅 sorry for my english

Joanna -_-

I'm straight and asexual and only really realised it recently (a little over a year ago now). I know it's nowhere near as tough to come out asexual as it is gay/lesbian/bi/pan etc but GOD it was terrifying. Idk, being a 18-19 year old at the time, I came out as ace where all people are talking about is sex, marriage and jobs. I felt like I was weird for not being into the sexual side of a relationship. It was helpful that my friends were part of the community themselves (I've always been the straight friend in my friendship groups lol)