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Hi everyone!

Just wanted to give a quick update. I’ve been extremely busy lately. I recently got a promotion at work and have been swamped with a busier schedule than usual. Because of this, I haven’t been able to do much filming. I have a couple of things filmed that still need editing and I will try to get to those this week.

Since I’m gonna be taking a couple of weeks to catch up at work, I’m going to be skipping memberships for the month of November. What this means is that for those who stay subscribed, you will NOT be charged for the month of November. You will still have access to all of my content. I will be taking this month to catch up and film my reactions so hopefully by the end of the month and throughout November, I can post regularly again.

For those who have subscribed to my Patreon for a whole year, you will receive an additional Month added for skipping November.

Again, this only applies if you’re still subscribed come November, you will have access to the content without paying for the month. If you cancel before November, you will lose access at the beggining of the month.

Thanks so much and I hope everyone is having a good week so far and keeping safe! 💛


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