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Lane Wright

There are all sorts of wonderful details in this episode, including the fact that both Wille and Simon say “I love you” to each other at the end of the episode, after Wille saying at the end of season one and Simon saying it at the end of season two. I think all three seasons were strong, even though season two was probably the most angst-filled, which maybe makes it harder to like. And I think there’s a strong arc for all five of the principal characters, most notably for August, who could easily have been a caricature of a villain, but ends up being much more nuanced. The scene between him and Wille during the party is one of my favorites. Overall, a really terrific finale to a strong series.

carol dias

I really wish they had done one more season so we could see all the consequences of this change but it was a nice ending anyways, I loved tagging along for the ride!